After seeing many people posting pictures of their drinking game boards on social media during the COVID19 pandemic, I decided to take one friends designs and convert it into a web based game that anyone can play. If you don't want to go through all the trouble of setting the project up yourself, you can find a live vesion on my website
NodeJS is all that is required.
Start with running:
$ npm i
That should get all the node modules installed, this could take some time so go grab a drink or a snack. Once that finishes all you need to do is start the server. To do that, just run:
$ npm start
That's it, a localhost tab should open up on port 3000 and you're good to play! Grab your friends, hop in a call together, and enjoy!
- Create backend
- Allow user to create a game lobby
- Generate random address for created lobbies
- Allow users to join game lobbies from generated link
- Run game in real-time for all users in the lobby