Portfolio plugin for RefineryCMS
By: Resolve Digital
Just 'git clone' Refinery, install this as a plugin using:
script/plugin install git://github.com/resolve/refinerycms-portfolio.git
Then run:
rake refinery:portfolio:install
..and follow the instructions!
Just install the gem 'portfolio' with the command:
gem install refinerycms-portfolio --source http://gemcutter.org
Then run:
refinerycms-portfolio-install /path/to/your/refinery/application
Then place in your config/environment.rb (or config/application.rb for refinery 0.9.6.x) file before all other Refinery gem calls:
config.gem "refinerycms-portfolio", :version => ">=", :lib => "portfolio", :source => "http://gemcutter.org"
..and follow the instructions!
Place in your config/environment.rb (or config/application.rb for refinery 0.9.6.x) file before all other Refinery gem calls:
config.gem "refinerycms-portfolio", :version => ">=", :lib => "portfolio", :source => "http://gemcutter.org"
Then run in your application's directory:
rake gems:install
Then run:
refinerycms-portfolio-install /path/to/your/refinery/application
..and follow the instructions!
The standard setup for portfolios is multi-level, with a parent portfolio having child portfolios. If your needs are simpler, you can switch to a single level of portfolios by changing the Refinery Setting for 'Multi Level Portfolio' to false.