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Unified Profiles For Travelers and Guests on AWS

Unified Profiles for Travelers and Guests on AWS (UPT) is a solution designed to bring together customer data from various internal systems into a single, comprehensive profile. By automatically sourcing, merging, de-duplicating, and centralizing guest information, UPT enables organizations to gain a 360-degree view of their customers. This unified profile serves as a valuable resource for marketing, sales, operations, and customer experience teams, facilitating personalized engagements, improved customer retention, and increased loyalty.

The solution provides a scalable means of transforming disparate booking, conversation, clickstream, etc ... data from source systems into profiles. It leverages rules-based and AI identity resolution, determining identity from collections of interactions. This approach allows for real time resolution and targeting in an event driven manner. It also reduces batch historical data transformation and integration time from months to weeks.

The solution provides downstream integration for marketing and customer service usecases. Dynamo and Amazon Connect Customer Profile integrations are provided out of the box. Profile data is in a format that can be sent to other platforms (eg. Salesforce) seamlessly.

Important Links

Project Overview

solution architecture diagram

The solution diagram can also be found in the UPT in Solutions Library link above.


  • deployment/developer-pipeline scripts to run the developer pipeline
  • deployment/ucp-code-pipelines CDK project with full solution CI/CD pipeline, used internally for development
  • deployment/ simplified build script that produces the artifacts necessary to publish the solution


  • source/storage primary implementation of LCS (Low Cost Storage). This is the primary profile storage component of UPT, built on Aurora Postgres
  • source/tah_lib python package for business object transformation
  • source/tah-common schemas for Travel and Hospitality
  • source/tah-core utility functions and AWS SDK wrappers for Travel and Hospitality
  • source/ucp-async invoked by ucp-backend for longer running use cases that would otherwise hit the 30 second timeout for API Gateway
  • source/ucp-backend primary API for the solution, sitting behind API Gateway
  • source/ucp-batch batch processing for input data
  • source/ucp-change-processor subscribes to the Amazon Connect Customer Profile (ACCP) stream for changes, writes to S3 and optionally EventBridge
  • source/ucp-common shared code to use across UPT components
  • source/ucp-cp-indexer dynamically indexes CP export streams to create ID indexing between UPT and CP, allowing usage of CP is a completely readless manner
  • source/ucp-cp-writer dedicated lambda for writing to CP (Amazon Connect Customer Profiles)
  • source/ucp-error process and store errors from the various DLQs in a centralized DynamoDB table
  • source/ucp-etls Glue jobs
  • source/ucp-fargate Fargate tasks for identity resolution
  • source/ucp-industry-connector-transfer copies events from Industry Connector solution into an S3 bucket for UPT to process via Glue job (deprecated)
  • source/ucp-infra CDK project for all solution infrastructure
  • source/ucp-match process csv files that contain match scores between profiles, produced by ACCP or optionally a third party service that customers can configure
  • source/ucp-merger handles instances of merging in solution (rules based IR and AI IR)
  • source/ucp-portal Angular web app to use and manage UPT
  • source/ucp-real-time-transformer Kinesis stream for real-time record ingestion -> Python Lambda that transforms the nested business object (tah-common schema) into flat ACCP objects (mapping stored in ucp-common's accp-mapping folder) -> Go Lambda that sends ACCP objects to ACCP
  • source/ucp-retry received specific error types from ucp-error that should be retried
  • ucp-s3-excise-queue-processor functionality for hard deletes of profile information from s3 buckets
  • source/ucp-sync maintains partitions for business object S3 buckets and triggers Glue jobs based on the customer's configuration
  • source/z-coverage test output produced by the solution (prefixed with z for convenience to have test files at the end of CRs)
  • vendor contains all packages used by Go (this provides consistent builds without pipelines needing to go out and fetch packages, particularly important since we use internal packages that are not distributed)


  • develop contains the latest code for the upcoming release.
  • release/vX.X.X release branches are created off develop at publish time to have a snapshot of the exact release code.
  • feature/upt-[type]-[number] feature branches are created off develop and used for development. When feature branches are pushed to remote, pipelines are kicked off to test the code and run the AWS Solutions developer pipeline.

Getting Started


  • Go
    • Not to use proxy, export GOPROXY=direct
  • Node
  • Python
    • python3 -m pip install coverage
    • python3 -m pip install requests
  • jq
  • AWS CLI: make sure you have configured your AWS credential.


  1. Create two S3 buckets in your local AWS account
    1. One bucket for storing UPT artifacts, e.g. <alias>-upt-artifacts
    2. Another bucket for storing regional assets. This should match the bucket created above with region appended, e.g. <alias>-upt-artifacts-<region>
  2. Clone the repository and navigate to the root directory (note: there will likely be errors if opened in an IDE until all the necessary packages are imported)
  3. Locate env.example.json in source/. Create a copy named env.json and update artifactBucket to be the bucket name you just created, without the region, e.g. <alias>-upt-artifacts.
    1. env.json is referenced in scripts to get local env settings
    2. The artifactBucket is where all the artifacts (Lambda function binaries, zipped code, etc) will be stored.
    3. Update the values for ecrRepository and ecrPublishRoleArn to match the repository and role in your account. These resources can be created by deploying the UptInfra stack.
    4. The unit tests can be configured to use a "test" cluster in AWS RDS, or a local Postgres Database running as a Container.
      1. To run unit and storage tests against an RDS cluster deployed to your AWS Account, run the TestAuroraPosgres test found in source/tah-core/aurora/aurora_test.go. Alternatively, create the Aurora test cluster, with a secure connection, and input the parameters for that cluster in env.json. A Secret in SecretsManager will also need to be created with keys: username and password. Note that this is strictly for testing purposes. The solution itself deploys its own resources including its own cluster. The E2E tests use this solution cluster.
      2. To run unit and storage tests against a locally deployed Postgres container, run the "" script found in the source folder. This script will create the necessary certificates to enable SSL, as well as scaffold the Secret in SecretsManager based on values in the env.json file.
  4. Pull in the latest code for the private tah packages
    1. Navigate to source/ and run

Cloudformation Deployment

Option 1 - Cloudformation Template (Recommended)

  1. In the solutions library (UPT in Solutions Library) you will find the cloudformation template. Download the template, and in the AWS account you wish to deploy the solution go to Cloudformation, and deploy the solution. Reference the implementation guide for more information on deployment and parameters used to deploy the solution.

Local Deployment

Option 2 - Deploy Lambdas and infrastructure one by one

  1. Deploy each Lambda function's code individually (source/upt- prefixes excluding ucp-common, ucp-core, ucp-infra, and ucp-portal) using the script in each microservice's directory
  2. Deploy infrastructure in source/ucp-infra using its script
    1. If the solution is not deployed, optionally add the --skip-tests option, as some of the tests may fail.
  3. Run the React web app locally using its script
    1. Optionally - deploy ucp-portal, the React web app for UPT, to CloudFront so it can be accessed via the CloudFront distribution's URL (can be found in CloudFormation output)
    2. Update and invalidate cache using This will sync the UI you can can access via the CloudFormation output url with the code you have locally.
    3. Note, front end is only accessible in this manner if the solution was deployed with the CFN Parameter on UI deployment set to CF (Cloudfront)

Option 3 - Deploy everything at once

  1. Run to deploy everything at once (this will take a while to run)
    1. If the solution is not deployed, then some of the tests may fail, and there will be no lambda functions to update. When first setting up the solution, run: sh --skip-errors. If the solution fails to deploy, add the --skip-tests options: sh --skip-errors --skip-tests


  1. Follow the instructions in the Implementation Guide. If you choose to deploy locally, start in the section after Launch the stack. This will walk through setting up a user in Cognito, configuring a domain in Amazon Connect Customer Profiles, and configuring the domain. This also helps ensure our Implementation Guide is easy to follow for customers.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.

Collection of operational metrics

This solution collects anonymized operational metrics to help AWS improve the quality of features of the solution. For more information, including how to disable this capability, please see the implementation guide.