A lightweight deep packet inspection tool for network traffic analysis
Baby DPI is a lightweight tool for network traffic capture, protocol detection, and basic intrusion prevention system (IPS) capabilities. It helps you capture and analyze network packets from interfaces or PCAP files.
- Python 3.6 or higher
- Administrative/root privileges (for capturing on network interfaces)
- Scapy library
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/barefacedstorm/baby.git cd baby
Create and activate a virtual environment (recommended):
python -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate # On Windows: .venv\Scripts\activate
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the package in development mode:
pip install -e .
Baby DPI includes a web-based interface for packet capture and IPS monitoring.
The web interface requires root/administrative privileges to capture packets:
# On Linux/macOS
sudo python server.py
# On Windows (with admin privileges)
python -m web.server
## Basic Usage
The Baby DPI tool provides two main commands:
- capture: For capturing and analyzing network packets
- ips: For running the intrusion prevention system
### Capturing Packets
sudo python cli.py capture -i <interface> -c 100
This will capture 100 packets from the specified interface.
Accessing the Web Interface Once the server is running, access the web interface at:
Web Interface Features Dashboard: Overview of packet capture and IPS statistics Packet Capture: Capture and analyze packets from network interfaces IPS Engine: Monitor network traffic for potential threats Real-time Updates: See packet statistics and protocol distribution in real-time Continuous Mode: Run capture or IPS continuously until manually stopped Web Server Configuration The web server runs on port 5001 by default. You can change this by setting the PORT environment variable:
sudo PORT=XXXX python server.py
set PORT=XXXX python server.py
sudo python cli.py capture -f path/to/file.pcap
Continuous capture mode allows Baby DPI to capture packets indefinitely until manually stopped (with Ctrl+C).
sudo python cli.py capture -i <interface> --continuous
To save captured packets to PCAP files during continuous capture:
sudo python cli.py capture -i <interface> --continuous -o /path/to/output/directory
This will:
- Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
- Save captured packets in rotating PCAP files
- Name the files with timestamps (e.g., capture_20231120-143015.pcap)
You can configure how often new PCAP files are created:
sudo python cli.py capture -i <interface> --continuous -o /path/to/output --buffer-size 2000 --rotation-interval 600
This will:
- Save packets in batches of 2000 (buffer-size)
- Create a new file every 10 minutes (600 seconds)
sudo python cli.py capture -i en0 --continuous -o ~/pcaps
sudo python cli.py capture -i eth0 --continuous -o /tmp/captures -v
The -v flag enables verbose output, showing more details about captured packets.
sudo python cli.py capture -i wlan0 --continuous -o ./network_data --buffer-size 5000 --rotation-interval 1800
This captures packets continuously and:
- Creates a new PCAP file every 30 minutes (1800 seconds)
- Writes to disk after every 5000 packets
sudo python cli.py ips -i eth0
This runs the IPS engine on the eth0 interface.
- -i, --interface: Network interface to capture from (e.g., en0 for Wi-Fi on macOS)
- -f, --file: PCAP file to read packets from instead of live capture
- -c, --count: Number of packets to capture (0 for unlimited, default: 100)
- -v, --verbose: Enable verbose output with detailed packet information
- --continuous: Run in continuous mode until manually stopped with Ctrl+C
- -o, --output-dir: Directory to save captured packets as PCAP files
- --buffer-size: Number of packets to buffer before writing to disk (default: 1000)
- --rotation-interval: Time in seconds before rotating to a new PCAP file (default: 300)
- -i, --interface: Network interface to monitor (required)
- -r, --rules: Path to custom rules file (currently only built-in rules are supported)
- -c, --count: Number of packets to analyze (0 for infinite, default: 0)
- -v, --verbose: Enable verbose output with detailed alert information
- -o, --output-dir: Directory to save captured suspicious packets as PCAP files
- --continuous: Run in continuous mode until manually stopped with Ctrl+C
If you encounter permission errors:
sudo PYTHONPATH=/path/to/baby python cli.py capture -i <interface> --continuous
To list available interfaces:
python -c "from scapy.all import get_if_list; print(get_if_list())"
If you're generating very large files during continuous capture:
- Decrease the --rotation-interval value
- Monitor disk space usage
- Use external tools like logrotate to manage older capture files
For real-time analysis with other tools:
mkfifo /tmp/capture_pipe
sudo python cli.py capture -i eth0 --continuous -o /tmp/capture_pipe &
wireshark -k -i /tmp/capture_pipe
Baby DPI automatically detects these protocols:
- The tool requires root/administrative privileges to capture packets on network interfaces
- For best performance, adjust buffer-size and rotation-interval based on your network traffic volume
- Use the verbose (-v) flag for debugging but be aware it may slow down processing slightly