An animation library implemented with SwiftUI.
Balls spin forever on the infinity sign.
You will create a Binding variable due to you can change endless shape's color and balls' color anytime.
@State var endlessColor: Color = .yellow
@State var ballsColor: Color = .yellow
BuniEndless(endlessColor: $endlessColor, ballsColor: $ballsColor)
This is a loading indicator, you can customize it's background color.
You will create a Binding variable due to you can change background color anytime.
@State var circleColor: Color = .yellow
BuniLoading(circleColor: $circleColor)
Buniball is a loading indicator. You can give your customized view, size, count (you need more than one), space between customized views, animation time and available movements which is up, down or both.
init(animationTime: Double = 1, ballCount: Int = 6,
ballSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 24, height: 24),
space: CGFloat = 8,
availableMovement: (up: Bool, down: Bool) = (true, true),
@ViewBuilder view: () -> AnimatedView)
Buniball(animationTime: 1, ballCount: 5,
ballSize: CGSize(width: 30, height: 30),
space: 5, availableMovement: (true, false)) {
Try avaliableMovement as (true, true)
Buniball(animationTime: 1, ballCount: 5,
ballSize: CGSize(width: 30, height: 30),
space: 5, availableMovement: (true, true)) {
Try avaliableMovement as (false, true)
Buniball(animationTime: 1, ballCount: 5,
ballSize: CGSize(width: 30, height: 30),
space: 5, availableMovement: (false, true)) {
Let's change animation view as below
ZStack {
Capsule(style: .continuous)
.frame(width: 10, height: 10)
A ghost winked.
BuniClickedBall can use as loading indicator, button animation or something else.
You can show and hide your letters except the last one!
This is the main object that manage this amazing animation. It has four published variables which are letters, interval, specialCharacterBackgroundColor and characterBackgroundColor.
Interval is the duration of state change from show to hide or vice versa. Letters are shown. specialCharacterBackgroundColor is the background color of the last char. characterBackgroundColor is the bacground color of chars except the last one.
init(text: String, interval: Double, specialCharacterBackgroundColor: Color, characterBackgroundColor: Color)
Text will parse and set to letters.
ShouldShow is a bound parameter which you can change state of BuniLetters.
init(viewModel: BuniLettersViewModel, shouldShow: Binding<Bool>)
@State var shouldShow: Bool = false
BuniLetters(viewModel: BuniLettersViewModel(text: "Barış", interval: 0.6, specialCharacterBackgroundColor: .red, characterBackgroundColor: .blue), shouldShow: $shouldShow)
BuniSandglass is a customizable sandglass animation.
This is the main object that manage this amazing animation. It has several published variables.
lineWidth is the line width of glass. size of glass. sandColor is the sand's color. boxColor is the glass's color. balance is the magic number to divesify glass's shape.
init(lineWidth: CGFloat, size: CGSize, sandColor: Color, boxColor: Color, balance: CGFloat)
init(viewModel: BuniSandglassViewModel)
Sandglass(viewModel: BuniSandglassViewModel(lineWidth: 10,
size: CGSize(width: 80, height: 160),
sandColor: .blue,
boxColor: .gray,
balance: 10))
Let's customize!
Sandglass(viewModel: BuniSandglassViewModel(lineWidth: 5,
size: CGSize(width: 80, height: 150),
sandColor: .orange,
boxColor: .black,
balance: 3))
Sandglass(viewModel: BuniSandglassViewModel(lineWidth: 5,
size: CGSize(width: 80, height: 120),
sandColor: .pink,
boxColor: .blue,
balance: 10))
You can move your own view as snake while dragging and you can add its shadow as well.
animatedView is your custom view. animatedView count. space between animated views. objectColor background color of your animated view. Default is random. shouldShadow is determined shadow's visibility.
init(count: Int = 5, space: CGFloat = 0, shouldShadow: Bool = false, objectColor: Color = .random, @ViewBuilder view: () -> AnimatedView)
init(viewModel: BuniSnakeViewModel<AnimatedView>)
struct BuniSnake<AnimatedView: View>: View
BuniSnake(viewModel: BuniSnakeViewModel(count: 3, space: 10, shouldShadow: false, view: {
.frame(width: 20, height: 20)
Let's try to set shouldShadow as true
BuniSnake(viewModel: BuniSnakeViewModel(count: 3, space: 10, shouldShadow: true, view: {
.frame(width: 20, height: 20)
BuniSnake(viewModel: BuniSnakeViewModel(count: 10, space: 8, shouldShadow: false, view: {
ZStack {
.frame(width: 30, height: 40)
.frame(width: 20, height: 30)
.frame(width: 10, height: 20)
.frame(width: 10, height: 5)
Buniwayf is a loading indicator or wifi search animation.
backgroundColor is a base color of animation. wayfColor is a foreground color of inner objects.
init(backgroundColor: Color, wayfColor: Color)
init(viewModel: BuniWayfViewModel)
BuniWayf(viewModel: .init(backgroundColor: .blue, wayfColor: .black))
BuniWayf(viewModel: .init(backgroundColor: .blue, wayfColor: .black))
Barış UYAR – @prospectcha – [email protected]