A port of the wonderful Porklike, created by Krystian Majewski, to the original Game Boy! Please see the original pico-8 game at https://krystman.itch.io/porklike for more information.
See the game's itch.io page here: https://binji.itch.io/porklikegb
Action | Button |
Move character | D-pad |
Inventory/Confirm | A button |
Cancel | B button |
Porklike.gb uses the GBDK2020 toolkit, RGBGFX, as well as some Python3 scripts.
I know you're not supposed to, but I hand-wrote a ninja build file. It's completely configured for my system currently, so you will have to tweak it to build on yours.
The source of the Gameboy port is copyright Ben Smith, and is MIT licensed. All game content is owned by the original copyright holders.