Business Requirements: zones - "where" schedules - "when" modes - "what" - min, max, and correction/offset
All the complexity is in the schedules.
Schedules have a priority
- default - default mode, all the time
- scheduled - what we normally do
- override - holidays, vacation, etc
- custom - right now, I want it to be warmer/colder or a different mode
Custom warmer/colder should use +-1 degree offset
Schedules have
- start day
- end day
- start time of day
- end time of day
- days of week
Schedules with the same priority must not overlap
- minTemp (int): default 60
- maxtemp (int): default 85
- apiPort (int): default 441
- apiCert (string):
- apiKey (string): private key for the api certificate
- apiSecret (string): base64 encoded api secret key
- tempSensor (string): temperature sensor i2c bus address (hex in the form 0x##)
- tempCorrection (float): adjustment to add to the temperature sensor value
- humCorrection (float): adjustment to add to the humidity sensor value
- temperatureRangeDivider (float): default 1, divides the temperature range (so a divisor of 4 means 4 sensor degrees = 1 real degree). Must be >= 1
- fanPin (int): GPIO pin for the blower
- acPin (int): GPIO pin for the AC compressor
- heatPin (int): GPIO pin for the heater
- sensorFanPin (int): GPIO pin for the sensor fan
- db.file (string): path to the database file
- db.migrations (string): path to the database migrations
- log.type (string): stderr or file
- log.level (string): panic, error, warn, info, or debug
- log.file (string): filename (if log type is file)
- (string): optional filename to store an activity log as a CSV file
dd if=/dev/urandom -bs=1 -count=128 | base64
All time values are stored and computed in the local timezone. APIs transmit time data in UTC
Requires package: i2c-tools libi2c-dev
You now need to edit the modules conf file /etc/modules Add these two lines:
Update /boot/config.txt Add to the bottom: