It's a responsive web application made by Rubén Fernández and Jarki Melendez for appointments administration.
Made with:
- React 17
- NodeJs with express
- MySQL with sequelize
Backend: Download and install the backend repo
Dependencies: Clone this repository and on root folder run command:
npm install
By default the react server will run on port 3000
On root folder run:
npm start
A new browser tab should open with http://localhost:3000/
You can now use the app
│ ├───alertPopUp
│ ├───appointmentCard
│ ├───appointmentMessage
│ ├───covid
│ ├───dashboardCard
│ ├───footer
│ ├───homeCard
│ ├───loginMessage
│ ├───logo
│ ├───navbar
│ ├───searchInput
│ └───signupMessage
│ ├───contact
│ ├───dashboard
│ ├───home
│ ├───login
│ ├───newAppointment
│ ├───signup
│ └───viewAppointments
- Homepage with fictional treatments offered by the clinic
- Signup page
- Login page
- Client users will be redirected to a dashboard once logged in and they can see their upcoming appointments info
- If the logged user is an Admin, it will be redirected to a view of pending appointments instead
- Admin can cancel pending appointments
- Admin can also create new appointments. Originally the backend didn't show users or doctors list, so the admin must know the IDs of users and doctors to create appointments