Parse Bitcoin Lightning Network invoices (payment requests) in Kotlin. This library implements decoding of invoices as per BOLT-11: # Invoice Protocol for Lightning Payments
On the Sonatype page for ln-invoice, choose the latest version
of ln-invoice
and follow the instructions for inclusion in your build tool.
const val sample = "lnbc25m1pvjluezpp5qqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqypqdq" +
"5vdhkven9v5sxyetpdeessp5zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zyg3zygs9q5sqqqqqq" +
"qqqqqqqqqpqsq67gye39hfg3zd8rgc80k32tvy9xk2xunwm5lzexnvpx6fd77en8qaq424dxgt56cag2dpt359" +
val request: ErrorOr<PaymentRequest> = PaymentRequest.parse(sample)
for more parsing examples, lifted directly from the BOLT-11 spec.
LN-Invoice is functional programming safe by default, using Quiver
(an extension of Arrow). If you prefer to deal with thrown exceptions when parsing,
simply add .orThrow()
val request: PaymentRequest = PaymentRequest.parse(sample).orThrow()
Fields in PaymentRequest
instances that contain binary data use
Okio's ByteString.
If you need this as a byte array, call .toByteArray()
val signature: ByteString = invoice.signature
val sigBytes: ByteArray = signature.toByteArray()
The API documentation is published with each release.
See a list of changes in each release in the CHANGELOG.
Install Hermit, the hermetic project tooling tool.
to run all tests locally:
gradle build
For more details on contributing, see the CONTRIBUTING guide.