Babymachine is the engine that performs the following tasks:
- Produce and store the movement velocity of reddit posts of /r/wallstreetbets
- Produce and store the user sentiment of all stocks mentioned from users meeting the following criteria
- Top mentions and sentiment analysis from COMMENTS every 45 minutes from:
- /r/wallstreetbets
- /r/stocks
- /r/investing
- /r/stockmarket
- /t/TrailerParkBets
- Current parameter:
- Only comments from posts that meet following criteria are considered.
- Posts that are considerd 'HOT' e.g. /r/wallstreetbets/hot
- Post Up vote ratio must be above .5 and has at least 5 up votes
- Posts with the following flairs OR without any flairs
- {'DD', 'YOLO', 'Company Discussion', 'Daily Discussion', 'Weekend Discussion', 'Discussion'}
- Each user only count ONCE per Symbol
- Comments of the post must have at least 2 up votes
- Top mentions and sentiment analysis from COMMENTS every 45 minutes from:
The velocity builder is implemented in Go and the sentiment tracker is in Python for its easy to use natural language processing libraries.
The computation results are stored in Redis.
This repository includes deployement specifications for automatic deployment into Heroku Cloud.