This machine charm supplies self-hosted GitHub runner charms with images to use to deploy it's runners on. It periodically builds and supplies the image IDs to ensure that the latest build of the image is used.
This charm uses black and flake8 for formatting. Both run with the lint stage of tox.
Testing is run via tox and pytest. The unit test can be ran with tox -e unit
and the integration test on juju 3.1 with tox -e integration
Dependencies are installed in virtual environments. Integration testing requires a juju controller to execute. These tests will use the existing controller, creating an ephemeral model for the tests which is removed after testing. If you do not already have a controller setup, you can configure a local instance via LXD, see the upstream documentation for details.
Run the following command:
echo -e "tox -e src-docs\ngit add src-docs\n" >> .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit