PHP based MVC skeleton.
- PHP >= 7.0.0
- Composer
- redbeards/crew
Ensure your root folder is set to the public folder.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]
Ensure your root folder is set to the public folder.
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ @qr;
location @qr {
rewrite ^/(.+)$ /index.php?url=$1 last;
Routing is automatically handled via the Router class. The Router will split the URL by slashes and then work in the following order.
- check if url[0] is a valid controller
- check if url[1] is a valid and public method
- if url[0] is a valid controller, call controller
- if url[1] is a valid method and public, call method
- finally, any remaining url are interrupted as GET parameters
- if the above conditions are not met, then all of url is interrupted as GET parameters
- if there are POST parameters they are appended to the last url
- now supports sub folders e.g. Controllers/Members/MyController
home = controller
index = method
controller = default
method = default
home = controller
index = method
example1 = method variable 1
example1 = method variable 2
example1 = no controller, defaults to default controller
example2 = no method, defaults to default method
example1 = method variable 1
example2 = method variable 2
The following is an example controller to test the above Routing.
namespace Demo\Controllers;
class Home extends Controller
public function __construct()
//Start session
//Parameters are derived from the URL by exploding at slash
public function index($param1 = null, $param2 = null)
//View page
[ //Page(s) to load from Views
'page' => 'home', //Page, used in Views/templates/header.php
'page_title' => $this->config(''), //Page title, used in Views/templates/header.php
'page_description' => 'site description', //Page description, used in Views/templates/header.php
'page_keywords' => 'redbeard, example', //Page keywords, used in Views/templates/header.php
'token' => $_SESSION['token'], //XSS token is automatically generated
'param1' => $param1, //Example GET parameter 1
'param2' => $param2 //Example GET parameter 2
false //Hide templates (header/footer)
Config files are set in a PHP file returning an array. Sub arrays are accessed with a . for separation as seen below (up to four levels). Config files can be created under the Config directory to be automatically loaded into the Config array.
$this->config('app.timezone', 'UTC');
Config::set('app.timezone', 'UTC');