This is the first release of Ledger Sync.
Key Highlights
- In this release, the database schema is similar to DB Sync database schema.
- Indexes all on-chain data available through mini-protocol.
- Doesn't contain reward-specific data (for example: reward, adapot).
Docker Images
Ledger Sync Main app
docker pull cardanofoundation/cf-ledger-sync:0.1.0
Ledger Sync Streamer app :
docker pull cardanofoundation/cf-ledger-sync-streamer:0.1.0
Ledger Sync Scheduler app
docker pull cardanofoundation/cf-ledger-sync-scheduler:0.1.0
Docker Compose Files
What's Changed
- Genesis Hash by @satran004 in #12
- chore: Enable yaci store account balance aggregation by @satran004 in #13
- Get entropy value from tuple, instead of toString by @satran004 in #15
- fix: Incorrect genesis files by @satran004 in #16
- fix: fix and refactor tests by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #17
- chore: Merge store_int to main by @satran004 in #21
- chore: Bump yaci store version by @satran004 in #24
- fix: #19 Init genesis epoch param data whenever service starts running by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #23
- chore: Migrate to spring boot 3.1.4 by @satran004 in #28
- fix: #33 fixed sql error during gin index creation by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #34
- Add sanchonet support by @satran004 in #32
- Move Ledger Sync related scheduler code to ledger-sync repo by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #35
- chore: #37 Java 21 support and bump yaci store version to fix decimal… by @satran004 in #38
- feat: remove remaining network specific hardcoded values by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #39
- chore: Added some migration files by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #42
- fix: fix error when calculating asset fingerprint by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #43
- change the method for calculating asset name bytes by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #44
- New "streamer-app" to publish remote events to Kafka or RabbitMQ by @satran004 in #45
- chore: Github action and multi stage build to build and push 3 images by @satran004 in #48
- fix issue 18 by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #50
- Update README.md by @satran004 in #58
- fix: #62 config jOOQ schema rendering by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #63
- chore: Added lateset yaci-store version and related changes by @satran004 in #71
- feat: change logic when handling tx chart by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #69
- fix: update logic for handling epoch param by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #68
- chore: update redeemer id of delegation and deregistration by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #59
- Fix: Redeemer cbor parse error by @satran004 in #73
- feat: handle tx witnesses by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #72
- chore: add migration files by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #74
- feat: consume contract data of failed tx by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #67
- chore: replace custom json util to JsonUtil common by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #65
- feat: consume data by batch by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #57
- chore: Added contribution section by @satran004 in #77
- Incorrect Datum/Datum hash initialization by @satran004 in #76
- chore: Add @transactional in CustomAddressTokenBalanceRepository class by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #81
- fix: README.md grammar tweaks. by @Amb1guousRaccoon in #79
- fix: #78 update how to handle RedeemerData data that needs to be saved by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #80
- chore: remove RedeemerWrapper class by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #83
- fix: #85 Get correct asset name bytes by @satran004 in #86
- feat: update epoch param data when param proposal is signed by a required number of delegation keys by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #88
- Refactor models and migration files by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #87
- chore: Merge develop branch changes to main by @satran004 in #94
- feat: handle payment_cred in Address by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #97
- fix: #96 add condition to verify if network is testnet by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #99
- chore: change log file name by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #100
- feat: handle new certs in conway era by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #95
- feat: #101 add initial delay for pool offline data job by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #103
- fix: #102 update to guarantee thread-safe when handling failed pool offline data by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #104
- Update log and add env by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #106
- chore: Merge develop to main by @satran004 in #108
- [helm] Add preview/preprod/sanchonet network configurations by @rcmorano in #110
- Add JDK OPTION to env example by @satran004 in #113
- chore(gha): fix 'latest' docker image pushes by @rcmorano in #116
- Renames packages by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #115
- Only rollback address token balance if needed by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #121
- chore: migrate to spring boot 3.2.2 and bump version for other dependencies by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #123
- Add health endpoints by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #122
- Revert the changes related to jOOQ by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #131
- Fix incorrect index_arr in tx_witness by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #133
- Changes related to Plutus V3 by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #134
- chore: #136 upgrade yaci-store version by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #137
- chore: Merge develop to main by @satran004 in #138
- feat: Account balance aggregation app by @satran004 in #139
- Merge main to develop by @satran004 in #142
- chore: Bump yaci store version to fix #143 by @satran004 in #145
- chore: Merge develop to main by @satran004 in #146
- chore: remove code related to old account balance processing by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #141
- chore: Rename few yaci store specific configurations by @satran004 in #148
- Remove address tx amount code by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #149
- Chore: update Dockerfile, github action, yaci-store version and migration scripts by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #150
- Add defaultBinder property for streamer and Remove SCHEMA property by @satran004 in #152
- chore(helm): add cardano node to helm chart by @rcmorano in #124
- feat: #153 create healthcheck component and use it in main app, streamer app, aggregation app by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #155
- Enable Governance store, update conway genesis files and add new conway params by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #154
- chore: Bump yaci store version and update properties by @satran004 in #157
- Healtcheck readme by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #156
- chore: add tolerations+affinity support for helm chart by @rcmorano in #159
- Bump yaci store version and custom health check for aggr app by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #160
- chore: #125 drop tx_chart table and remove code related tx_chart by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #161
- chore: add docker folder and update migration files by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #163
- chore: Update docker compose files and Store dependency by @satran004 in #165
- Chore/add new aggregation app by @nemo83 in #166
- chore: update conway genesis file and config files by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #168
- Bump yaci store by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #169
- Add unit field to multi_asset table by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #172
- chore: update yaci-store version by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #174
- chore: Merge develop to main by @satran004 in #175
- chore: update application.yml by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #176
- chore: Rolling back additional config properties for store specific config by @satran004 in #177
- chore: merge to main by @satran004 in #178
- chore: update yaci-store version by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #181
- chore: Merge to main by @satran004 in #182
- Allow custom db configuration from secrets or parameters by @nemo83 in #183
- get script hash for 'voting', 'proposing' redeemer by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #188
- fix: missing columns in epoch_param, param_proposal by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #192
- chore: update migration sql by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #193
- chore: Merge develop to main by @satran004 in #189
- Chore/clean update gha by @rcmorano in #196
- Update changes for next Sanchonet release 8.11.0 by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #195
- chore: update yaci store version by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #199
- fix: extraEntropy data issue by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #198
- chore: Remove postgres custom configuration by @satran004 in #203
- chore: add cc threshold to epoch param by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #201
- chore: bump yaci store version by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #204
- chore: map voting and proposing redeemer to script hash by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #197
- Create Markdown documentation for current LS schema (WIP) by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #179
- Edit Schema docs by @Sotatek-QuanLeA in #206
- chore: #207 update conway genesis files and cc threshold reading logic by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #208
- feat: #186 capture current protocol parameter by using epoch store (from yaci-store) by @Sotatek-HuyLe3a in #209
- chore: Bump version for release by @satran004 in #211
New Contributors
- @satran004 made their first contribution in #12
- @Amb1guousRaccoon made their first contribution in #79
- @rcmorano made their first contribution in #110
- @nemo83 made their first contribution in #166
Full Changelog: https://github.com/cardano-foundation/cf-ledger-sync/commits/v0.1.0