We are developing a wiki application. With this application you can read wiki pages and find pages containing a search term, but we want more!
Our "responder.py" provides different responses depending on what we are asking for:
WikiPageResponder: returns the page with the given uri.
Request(request_type="GET", uri="/")
WikiPage - children: [Child1] - parents: [] - tags: [] - text: "FrontPage text" - title: "FrontPage" - uri: "/"
SearchResponder: returns a results page with a list of pages containing the given term in its text.
Request(request_type="POST", uri="/", data={"search_text": "child"}))
WikiPage - children: [] - parents: [] - tags: [] - text: "found term in pages:<ul><li>Child1</li></ul>" - title: "Search Results" - uri: "/search-results"
We'll extend the search functionality of the wiki with the following features:
Where Used: returns a results page with a list of pages referencing the given page.
Request(request_type="POST", uri="/", data={"where_used": "FrontPage"}))
WikiPage - children: [] - parents: [] - tags: [] - text: "found references in pages:<ul><li>Child1</li></ul>" - title: "Where used: FrontPage" - uri: "/where-used"
Property Search: returns a results page with a list of pages containing the given tags.
Request(request_type="POST", uri="/", data={"tags": {"bar"}}))
WikiPage - children: [] - parents: [] - tags: [] - text: "found tags in pages:<ul><li>Child1</li></ul>" - title: "Property Search: 'bar'" - uri: "/property-search"
Think about a clean and extensible solution for the requested functionality.