The assignment:
Create a clone of the website IMDB. With authentication and authorization with CRUD functions.
As a public user you can:
- Browse all movies
- See one specific movie and its reviews and rating
- Register/Login
As an authenticated user you can do all that a public user can but with additional features such as:
- Create/edit/delete your own reviews
- Add to existing watchlists
- Create watchlists
- Edit profile
- Rate the movies
As an admin you can do all that an authenticated user can but with additional features such as:
- Approve/delete all users reviews
- Edit/delete users
- Add/edit/delete movies
- Clone the project
composer install
npm install
- create .env file with envexample
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
npm run build
(if error runnpm install [email protected] --save-dev
)- Go to .devcontainer folder and run
docker compose up