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Wences is a lightweight, modular JavaScript utility for creating and managing HTML elements with a clean, declarative API. It provides a structured way to handle HTML attributes, accessibility, events, content management, and element lifecycle through a simple configuration object.


  • 🚀 Easy Setup: Create and manage HTML elements with a simple, intuitive config
  • ♿ Built-in Accessibility: ARIA attributes handled automatically
  • 🔒 Type Safe: Ensures valid elements and attributes at runtime
  • 📦 Modular: Features are isolated for easy debugging and maintenance
  • 🎛️ Event Handling: Simplified event management with auto-cleanup
  • ⚡ State Management: Supports boolean attributes with proper HTML5 compliance
  • 🎨 Style Handling: Clean API with automatic kebab-case conversion
  • 👶 Child Elements: Easy creation, management, and cleanup of child elements
  • 🔄 Lifecycle Control: Manages creation, updates, and destruction
  • 🌀 Cloning: Supports deep and shallow cloning with config preservation
  • 🧹 Memory Safe: Auto-cleans events and references when elements are removed


Using npm:

npm install wences

Using yarn:

yarn add wences

Using bun:

bun install wences

Basic Usage

import Wences from 'wences';

// Create a button with various configurations
const button = new Wences('button', {
    accessibility: {
        label: 'Submit form',
        role: 'button',
        describedBy: 'description'
    general: {
        class: 'primary-button',
        id: 'submit-btn'
    style: {
        backgroundColor: 'blue',
        color: 'white'
    events: {
        click: () => console.log('Button clicked'),
        mouseenter: () => console.log('Mouse entered')
    state: {
        disabled: true,
        hidden: false

// Create and append child elements
const icon = button.appendChild('span', {
    general: { class: 'icon' }

// Append to a parent element

Configuration Options

Accessibility Configuration

Handle accessibility attributes without requiring the 'aria-' prefix:

    accessibility: {
        // Standard role attribute (remains unchanged)
        role: 'button',
        // Aria attributes (automatically prefixed with 'aria-')
        label: 'Submit button',      // becomes aria-label
        describedBy: 'description',  // becomes aria-describedby
        current: 'page',            // becomes aria-current
        expanded: 'false',          // becomes aria-expanded
        hidden: 'true'             // becomes aria-hidden

Contents Configuration

Manage child elements and content nodes:

    contents: {
        // Array of valid DOM nodes
        children: [
            new Text('World')

Events Configuration

Handle DOM event listeners with automatic cleanup:

    events: {
        // Standard DOM events
        click: (e) => console.log('Clicked'),
        mouseenter: (e) => console.log('Mouse entered'),
        // Events with 'on' prefix (automatically normalized)
        onChange: (e) => console.log('Changed'),
        // Custom events
        'custom-event': (e) => console.log('Custom event fired')

General Attributes Configuration

Manage standard HTML attributes:

    general: {
        // Standard HTML attributes
        id: 'my-element',
        class: 'button primary',
        name: 'submit-button',
        // Data attributes
        'data-test': 'value',
        'data-user-id': '123',
        // Custom attributes
        title: 'My Button',
        lang: 'en'

State Configuration

Handle boolean attributes following HTML5 specifications:

    state: {
        // Standard boolean attributes
        disabled: true,    // adds disabled attribute
        hidden: false,     // removes hidden attribute
        required: true,    // adds required attribute
        checked: false,    // removes checked attribute

Valid boolean attributes include: async, autofocus, autoplay, checked, disabled, hidden, multiple, readonly, required, selected, and more.

Style Configuration

Manage inline styles with support for camelCase and kebab-case:

    style: {
        // CamelCase properties
        backgroundColor: '#fff',
        fontSize: '16px',
        marginTop: '10px',
        // Kebab-case properties
        'background-color': '#fff',
        'font-size': '16px',
        'margin-top': '10px',
        // Transforms and animations
        transform: 'translateX(10px)',
        transition: 'all 0.3s ease'

API Reference


new Wences(tagName: string, config: WencesConfig)



Returns the underlying DOM element.

const element = wencesInstance.getElement();

appendChild(tagName: string, config?: WencesConfig)

Creates and appends a child Wences element.

const child = wencesInstance.appendChild('div', {
    style: { color: 'red' }

appendTo(parent: Element | string)

Appends the element to a parent element or selector.



Removes the element and cleans up all event listeners and references.


update(newConfig: WencesConfig)

Updates the configuration of the element.

    style: { color: 'blue' },
    state: { disabled: true }

clone(deep: boolean = false)

Creates a clone of the current Wences instance.

const clone = wencesInstance.clone(true); // Deep clone


Gets the current configuration of the element.

const config = wencesInstance.getConfig();

Type Definitions

For TypeScript users:

interface WencesConfig {
    accessibility?: {
        [key: string]: string;
        role?: string;
    contents?: {
        children: (HTMLElement | SVGElement | Text)[];
    events?: {
        [key: string]: (event: Event) => void;
    general?: {
        [key: string]: string;
    state?: {
        [key: string]: boolean;
    style?: {
        [key: string]: string;

Error Handling

Wences includes comprehensive runtime validation and will throw errors for:

  • Invalid HTML tag names
  • Invalid children types (must be HTML elements or text nodes)
  • Invalid parent elements when using appendTo()
  • Invalid configuration object structure
  • Invalid event handlers
  • Invalid style values
  • Memory leaks (via console warnings)

Best Practices

  1. Always Destroy Elements: Call destroy() when removing elements to prevent memory leaks
  2. Use Child Management: Prefer appendChild() over direct DOM manipulation
  3. Config Updates: Use update() instead of direct property manipulation
  4. Error Handling: Wrap Wences operations in try-catch blocks for proper error handling
  5. Configuration Storage: Use getConfig() to store/restore element states

Browser Support

Wences supports all modern browsers:

  • Chrome (latest)
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Safari (latest)
  • Edge (latest)


We welcome contributions! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Development Setup

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run tests
npm test

# Build
npm run build

# Run linter
npm run lint


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


For support, please:

  1. Check the documentation
  2. Search existing issues
  3. Open a new issue

Made with ❤️ by Chessurisme