Latin-Hungarian dictionary and morphological analyser. The lexicon contains about 700 entries. This was my BSc thesis project in 1999.
The analyser recognizes the following grammatical phenomena:
- declension of nouns and adjectives from first to fifth,
- regular comparison of adjectives, irregular comparison of -er and -ilis adjectives,
- regular derivation of adverbs,
- conjugation from first to fourth with participles,
- conjugation of sum and fero,
- deponens and semideponens verbs.
make install
It will install minerva into /usr/local/minerva and a symlink to the executable into /usr/local/bin. If you want to install it elsewhere, run
make install MINERVA_ROOT=
directory BINDIR=
$ minerva
? Minervae
Minerva, -ae f : Minerva
sing. gen.
sing. dat.
plur. nom.
? narrare
narro 1, narravi, narratum : mesél, elbeszél
pass. imperat1 sing. 2
inf. imp. act.
? ember
vir, -i m férfi, hõs; ember, férj
homo, hominis m ember
- sing.
- singularis, singular
- plur.
- pluralis, plural
- nom.
- nominativus, nominative
- acc.
- accusativus, accusative
- gen.
- genitivus, genitive
- dat.
- dativus, dative
- abl.
- ablativus, ablative
- m
- masculinum, masculine
- f
- femininum, feminine
- n
- neutrum, neuter
- comparat.
- comparativus, comparative
- superlat.
- superlativus, superlative
- act.
- activum, active
- pass.
- passivum, passive
- ind.
- indicativus, indicative
- con.
- coniunctivus, conjunctive mode
- imperat1
- imperativus I., the first imperative
- imperat2
- imperativus II., the second imperative
- praes.
- praesens, present
- praet.
- praeteritum, past
- fut.
- futurum, future
- imp.
- imperfecta, imperfect
- perf.
- perfecta, perfect
- inst.
- instans, instant (future)
- adverbium
- adverb
- part.
- participium, participle
- inf.
- infinitivus, infinitive
- gerundium
- gerund
- sup.
- supinum, supine
Copyright 1999 Viktor Nagy
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