Small filepath list generator primarily for use with dmenu, written in Rust.
- rust, cargo
- dmenu, or similar tool like rofi
$ git clone
$ cd menulist
$ cargo build --release
can be used to see a backtrace of failed tests.
$ cargo test
The binary can be found in ./target/release/menulist
Usage: menulist FOLDER [options]
Files/directories sorted by modification time.
-e EXTENSION specify file extension to filter
-d, --dirs include dirs
-h, --help print this help menu
Getting a list of .mp4
files to open with mpv
$ mpv `(./target/release/menulist -e mp4 /mnt/storage/music/ | dmenu -i -l 25 -fn "xos4 Terminus-16")`
Getting a list of .mp4
files and directories to open with mpv (mpv supports using folders as playlists)
$ mpv `(./target/release/menulist -d -e mp4 /mnt/storage/music/ | dmenu -i -l 25 -fn "xos4 Terminus-16")`