Releases: coal-library/coal
Releases · coal-library/coal
Release v1.4.5
Changes in v1.4.5:
- Fix Python 3 doc generation
- Fix packaging of the project
- Compilation on Windows.
- [CMake] Install missing header.
- Add collide and distance prototype that update the GJK guess.
- Add support function cached guess in queries and merge query attribute.
- Add function to generate the convex hull.
- Add hint to the support function + Fix usage of GJK guess.
- [Python] Add constructor for class Convex.
- [Python] Bind functions to create BVHModel.
Release v1.4.4
Changes in 1.4.4:
- add MeshLoader::loadOctree
- fix generation of XML documentation
- fix generation of Doxygen documentation
Release 1.4.3
This new release fixes some packagings issues for OS X systems.
Release v1.4.2
Changes in v1.4.2:
- don't require linking to eigenpy in .pc file.
Release v1.4.1
Changes in v1.4.1:
- Bug fix + prepare optimization of collision using GJK / EPA
- Add missing constructor for Transform3f
Release v1.4.0
Changes since v1.3.0:
- Improve code efficiency + use shared memory between Numpy and Eigen
- [Python] Doc and minor update + [C++] bugfix
- [Python] Fix bindings of CollisionResult.
- FIX: throw when no contact is available
- Minor fix and computational improvments
- [GJK/EPA] Fix bugs + Treat sphere as point and capsule as line segment.
- Fix boxSphereDistance
- Provide documentation for the Python bindings.
- Generate Python documentation from doxygen documentation.
- Fix issue when Python_EXECUTABLE is not defined
- update CMake packaging
HPP-FCL 1.3.0
This new release comes with:
- the removing of the GJK solver
- the Python bindings build by default
- an improved documentation
- additional Python bindings
HPP-FCL 1.2.2
This new Release improves the Python bindings and fixes an important bug when checking the collision between two Capsules.
Thanks to @rstrudel for this fix.
HPP-FCL 1.2.1
This new release improves both the packaging of the project, which seems to be totally compatible with the new CMake linkage style. In addition, the bindings are now fully compatible with Pinocchio.
HPP-FCL 1.2.0
Changes since v1.1.3:
- Add python bindings
- Update CMake
- Add version support
- New folder Internal for internal header
- Travis: update CI & change policy to only perform build in DEBUG mode on Bionic
- assimp: fix issue with recent version of assimp
- [bindings] [CMakeLists] Use .so for Mac and .pyd for Windows, fix #86
- Organize documentation
- [CMake] fix octomap detection
- [Minor] update CMake module + fix visibility of some methods.
- Enable Convex / Convex queries + Add Python bindings.
- Fix unit-tests and compilation
- [GJK] Fix GJK::encloseOrigin (fixes unit-tests)
- Improve GJK implementation + OBB overlap test + bug fixes
- Clean include BV/BVH/math/mesh_loader