The classic Eliza psychologist program, implemented as a Processing library.
A Machine Learning library for Processing
Forked repo for ml4processing. Future updates on
R package for statistical inference using partially observed Markov processes
LYGIA, it's a granular and multi-language (GLSL, HLSL, WGSL, MSL and CUDA) shader library designed for performance and flexibility
Android code for Processing for Android
Experimental mode to support Kotlin in Processing
Meta-programming project that creates the py5 library code.
A Python library that makes Processing available to the CPython interpreter using JPype.
Agent Based Simulation platform for CityScope
A GAMA ( model on the assessment and comparisons of intervention policies against the CoVid19 pandemics
Demonstration of analysis associated to "paper outbreak" teaching practical
sampottinger / processing
Forked from processing/processingSource code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE)
p5 is a Python package based on the core ideas of Processing.
Processing mode and core library to create Android apps with Processing
🔮 ARCore Renderer for Processing-Android
This project demonstrates how to import aar libs to a pure java gradle module.
🖼👩💻📲✨A framework to compile Processing code with Swift for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
Draw dashed strokes in Processing!
Google Summer of Code 2017 project - VR application built with processing-android
Processing mode and core library to create Android apps with Processing