Binary I wrote that allows you to tunnel to AWS RDS via a PRIVATE EC2 instance
ec2 instance in private subnet that has relevant port access to RDS instance
SSM Session Manager plugin for the AWS CLI, nc and lsof installed on client
put your pub key into an existing (your?) IAM user, The bastion has a script to query IAM via the awscli for username / keys, bastion scrapes IAM for users to add
so you create a user in IAM, then add the SSH key to the user through IAM (like you would for git)
private instance in EC2 and rds both tagged with amatun:true
arg1 - ssh user
arg2 - local aws profile
arg3 - aws region
./amatun -u user -p my-aws-profile -r eu-west-1
aws: error: argument --target: expected one argument
- is the private instance up? Is it tagged with amatun:true?
#built in linux (AL2) docker container and Mac (tested on Monterey, native)
yum install glibc-devel wget tar xz gzip make gcc file sudo -y
cd /usr/src
sudo tar xzf shc-3.8.9.tgz
cd shc-3.8.9
make install
shc -rT -f
mv amatun
mv ./amatun /usr/bin/amatun
chmod +x /usr/bin/amatun
amatun -h