This is a python based "k8s-test-app" app, running in flask.
working local installation of minikube
local host admin access
docker scout v1.9.3 quickview results (11/06/24)
Target │ local://k8s-test-app:1.1 │ 0C 1H 0M 38L
docker image size
approx 160Mb
docker build -t k8s-test-app:1.1 .
check image
docker images
test locally in docker
docker run -d --rm -p 8080:8080 k8s-test-app:1.1
docker ps -a
curl -i -w '\n' http://localhost:8080
stop and remove all local docker containers before minikube deployment
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker ps -a
* be careful the above commands stop and remove ALL local docker containers.
start minikube
minikube start
set up minikube tunnel
minikube tunnel
* Note - the minikube tunnel command is required to be able to access the k8s-test-app service ip endpoint outside the minikube cluster.
* Note - the minikube tunnel command needs to be from a separate dedicated terminal session, as the tunnel command needs to remain in the foreground to function.
make k8s-test-app image available to minikube
minikube image load k8s-test-app:1.1
deploy "k8s-test-app" deployment and service to minikube
kubectl create -f k8s-test-app.yaml
check running
kubectl get pods -n default
kubectl describe pod <podname> -n default
kubectl logs svc/k8s-test-app -n default
kubectl describe deployment k8s-test-app -n default
kubectl describe svc k8s-test-app -n default
then navigate to and check "hello-world :P" message exists.
you can also curl this message from within one of the pod containers:
kubectl get pods
kubectl exec -it <pod name> /bin/sh
curl -i http://k8s-test-app.default.svc.cluster.local:8080
(from within container)
* curl can be removed from the Dockerfile if this functionality is not required, it reduces the image size approx 4Mb.
to update k8s-test-app service image
develop and test a new image in docker then, using "new" image "k8s-test-app:1.1" as an example:
minikube image load k8s-test-app:1.1
kubectl set image deployment/k8s-test-app k8s-test-app=k8s-test-app:1.1
kubectl get all
- to monitor rollout
minikube cleanup
kubectl delete service k8s-test-app
kubectl delete deployment k8s-test-app
kubectl get all
minikube stop --all
minikube status
- to check minikube has stopped
docker pull gabrielit/k8s-test-app:1.1