- XboxDev - Xbox development and emulator development on Discord
- CXBX-Reloaded - Xbox emulation chat on Discord, particularly related to Cxbx-Reloaded
- Xbox Homebrew - Xbox homebrew chat on Discord
- xbdev.net - Documentation on how to get started developing with with the Microsoft XDK
- Xbox Architecture - An overview of the console architecture
- xboxdevwiki.net - Hardware documentation
- Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering (PDF) - Andrew "bunnie" Huang's book detailing the reverse engineering of Xbox security mechanisms
- Microsoft XDK - A page detailing the versions of the Microsoft Xbox Development Kit have leaked over the years
- nxdk - A cross-platform, open-source SDK to develop for original Xbox
- OpenXDK - An open source alternative to the official Microsoft XDK
- cxbx - An open source High Level Emulator for Windows XP/2000/2003. No longer maintained.
- Cxbx-Reloaded - An open source emulator for running Xbox games on Windows 7 x64 and later
- dxbx - A open source High Level Emulator written in Delphi. No longer maintained.
- XQEMU - An open-source emulator to play original Xbox games on Windows, macOS, and Linux
- XboxDev - A GitHub organization hosting a collection of tools, firmware, and some reference material
- XBEpy - A library for viewing, extracting, and validating data inside the Xbox executable file
- xbox-board-re - Board level reverse engineering and research
- dump-dvd-kit - A tool to dump the ROM of the Xbox DVD Movie Playback Kit dongle