Contentful is a content platform with a RESTful JSON and a GraphQL API that offers content creators and editors an easy-to-use UI. Additionally, this UI is highly customizable using the Contentful App Framework.
Learn more about the developer features in our developer portal.
The listed third-party projects are not officially supported by Contentful.
You want to contribute a project to share it with the community? That's great! Please have a look at our contributing guidelines first.
contentful/contentful-graphql-playground-app (23 stars)
Contentful App to integrate GraphQL Playground
yn5/webhook-contentful-app (22 stars)
A Contentful app extension to trigger one or multiple webhooks from the sidebar.
Contentful App that adds UI for a table-like list of references with other associated data.
marcolink/cf-content-types-generator-app (66 stars)
A Contentful App to generate typescript types based on contentful's content types.
flohealth/contentful-localization-matrix (12 stars)
Contentful Localization Matrix: the Contentful App that extends localization observability of your content hierarchy.
whitep4nth3r/thingoftheday (49 stars)
thingoftheday is a lightweight microblogging site powered by Contentful and vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
whitep4nth3r/nextjs-contentful-blog-starter (126 stars)
This starter repository is no longer maintained.
canhorn/Blazor.Contentful.Blog.Starter (18 stars)
A ASP.NET Core Blazor and Contentful blog site starter to get you up and running quickly with your new blog site.
bcakmakoglu/contentful-vitesse-starter (4 stars)
A Contentful App Starter Template using Vue3 + Vite2. ⚡️
watermarkchurch/contentful-schema-diff (64 stars)
Command-line tool which generates Contentful migration files from the diff between two spaces or environments
watermarkchurch/contentful-ts-generator (22 stars)
A toolbox of typescript generators
watermarkchurch/contentful-migration (5 stars)
This fork of contentful-migration stores a history of your migrations in your space, and adds a "batch" mode to only runs the migrations that haven't yet been run.
watermarkchurch/contentful-shell (6 stars)
A shell script that wraps around the Contentful CLI providing some additional utilities and conveniences
OriginalEXE/ (25 stars) is a community-sourced, visual directory of Contentful content models
modiimedia/contentful-hugo (45 stars)
A CLI tool that pulls data from Contentful and turns it into markdown files for Hugo and other static site generators. It also includes an express server that can be used for local development and content previews
mitya33/cfimp (21 stars)
A simple but powerful spreadsheet-derived (CSV, TSV) data importer for the Contentful headless CMS. In so doing, it can also link items to references, assets or tags, and even publish items. It can also be used to update existing items rather than import new ones.
contentful |
yn5 |
mgschoen |
marcolink |
flohealth |
whitep4nth3r |
canhorn |
bcakmakoglu |
watermarkchurch |
OriginalEXE |
modiimedia |
mitya33 |
We want to provide a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free space and experience for all participants, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, body size, ethnicity, nationality, level of experience, age, religion (or lack thereof), or other identity markers.