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The OpenMoHAA client build is currently unusable due to the UI being reimplemented, please don't use it. Currently only the server version is working.
Backup gamex86.dll (rename it to gamex86.bak). Rename cgamex86.dll to cgamex86mohaa.dll.
a) extract archive to your MOHAA installation directory.
b) Copy all pak*.pk3 files and the sound/ directory from your MOHAA/main
directory into openmohaa's 'main' directory.
If you have problems running the game :
You may need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable from
or you may need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 from
You can now start a local MOHAA/OpenMOHAA server or play on a server.
*NIX: make sure you have compiler + libraries installed
Required extra libaries: libopenal-dev libsdl-dev libmad-dev
OpenGL: sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
OpenAL: sudo apt-get install libopenal1 libopenal-dev
ALUT: sudo apt-get install libalut0 libalut-dev
Download and install Eclipse with your NIX OS version
Start Eclipse and set the workspace path to misc/nix.
Then import an existing workspace using the path to misc/nix.
Clean and compile by using Eclipse
Visual Studio 2008 -> Open misc/msvc8/openmohaa/openmohaa.sln.
Visual Studio 2012 -> Open misc/msvc12_13/openmohaa/openmohaa.sln and set all projects platform toolset to v110 if you get the compilation error.
Visual Studio 2013 -> Open misc/msvc12_13/openmohaa/openmohaa.sln
OpenGL32.lib should be shipped with any Visual Studio versions.
You don't need anything else as everything needed is in the repository.
Now you can compile the solution.
download Source code, compile
http://connect.creativelabs.com/openal/default.aspx download OpenAL soft source
download CMake at http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html
run cmake on OpenAL, compile
download source code, compile
Output files :
build/testutils_x** --> can be placed anywhere, it's just a test tool for scripts.
build/openmohaa_x** --> MOHAA/
build/omohaaded_x** --> MOHAA/
build/main/cgamex **opm --> MOHAA/main
build/main/gamex** --> MOHAA/main (BACKUP MOHAA/main/gamex86.dll FIRST)
build/main/uix**opm --> MOHAA/main
build/main/cgamex86 --> MOHAA/main (RENAME MOHAA/main/cgamex86.dll to cgamex86mohaa.dll FIRST)
That's all, now run MOHAA or OpenMOHAA and start a local server.