Glimpse.RavenDb is a RavenDb profiling plugin for Glimpse.
###Status As I don't currently use RavenDB in production, this plug-in is largely abandoned. I'll make occasional updates when it is interesting to me, but I encourage you to fork it if it is critical for your team.
###Install There are two ways to hook your RavenDb DocumentStore into the plugin.
- Explicitly via Glimpse.RavenDb.Profiler.AttachTo()
- Web.Config via the Glimpse.RavenDb.DocumentStoreApplicationKey AppSetting.
You can also filter senstive data out of your documents by either
- Calling Glimpse.RavenDb.Profiler.HideFields()
- Adding a Glimpse.RavenDb.HiddenFields AppSetting.
###Example DocumentStore Creation
var store = new DocumentStore();
Application["MyDocStore"]= store;
Glimpse.RavenDb.Profiler.HideFields("PasswordHash", "PasswordSalt");
<add key="Glimpse.RavenDb.DocumentStoreApplicationKey" value="MyDocStore" />
<add key="Glimpse.RavenDb.HiddenFields" value="PasswordHash,PasswordSalt" />
###Learn More
RavenDb -
Glimpse -
Chris Sainty - | @csainty