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Tmux Ultimate theme

A dark theme for tmux's status bar.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. List OSes support
  3. Requirements
  4. Installation
  5. Configuration
  6. Known Issues


Demo image

This theme is based on some features of Dracula's tmux theme and inspried by many themes such as: Oh My Tmux!, tmux-themepack.

List OSes support

Feature Linux BSD variants Mac Window's
Cygwin, MinGW, MSYS
Show Powerline symbols ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Show prefix whenever press ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
CPU & Memory usage info ✔️ ✔️
Date & Time ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Network's IPv4 address ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Network's SSID ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Battery ✔️ ✔️ ✔️



Only choose 1 method.

Install with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)

  • Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in your .tmux.conf:

    set -g @plugin 'cuongvuong-phoenix/tmux-ultimate-theme'
  • Reload your .tmux.conf:

    tmux source <path to your .tmux.conf file>
  • Install the plugin by pressing prefix + I when inside of Tmux.

Manual Installation

  • Clone the repo:

    git clone <your path>
  • Add this line to the bottom of your .tmux.conf:

    run-shell <your path>/tmux-ultimate-theme.tmux
  • Reload your .tmux.conf:

    tmux source <path to your .tmux.conf file>


You can customize to your needs by changing these options in .tmux.conf:

set -g <Option name> <new value>


Note: Make sure color's value is always lower case or tmux won't understand your color.

Option name Description Default value
@ultimate-theme-color-black Set your favourite BLACK color #232627
@ultimate-theme-color-white Set your favourite WHITE color #fcfcfc
@ultimate-theme-color-red Set your favourite RED color #ed1515
@ultimate-theme-color-green Set your favourite GREEN color #11d418
@ultimate-theme-color-yellow Set your favourite YELLOW color #e5c07b
@ultimate-theme-color-orange Set your favourite ORANGE color #f67400
@ultimate-theme-color-blue Set your favourite BLUE color #45a1ed
@ultimate-theme-color-magenta Set your favourite MAGENTA color #9b59b6
@ultimate-theme-color-pink Set your favourite PINK color #ff79c6
@ultimate-theme-color-cyan Set your favourite CYAN color #18b495
@ultimate-theme-color-grey Set your favourite GREY color #c1c4c3
@ultimate-theme-color-dark-grey Set your favourite DARK_GREY color #3e4452


Option name Description Default value
@ultimate-theme-show-powerline Choose to show Powerline symbols or not true
@ultimate-theme-show-prefix Choose to show Prefix or not true
@ultimate-theme-show-cpu-mem Choose to show CPU & Memory usage info or not true
@ultimate-theme-show-date-time Choose to show Date & Time or not true
@ultimate-theme-show-network-ip-address Choose to show Network's IPv4 address or not true
@ultimate-theme-show-network-id Choose to show Network's SSID or not true
@ultimate-theme-show-battery Choose to show Battery info or not true

Format information

Option name Description Default value
@ultimate-theme-format-time Set format for Time based on strftime %H:%M
@ultimate-theme-format-date Set format for Date based on strftime %a, %e/%m/%Y


Option name Description Default value
@ultimate-theme-icon-powerline-left Set Powerline's icon for left side of status bar or \uE0B0
@ultimate-theme-icon-powerline-left-thin Set Powerline's thin icon for left side of status bar or \uE0B1
@ultimate-theme-icon-powerline-right Set Powerline's icon for right side of status bar or \uE0B2
@ultimate-theme-icon-powerline-right-thin Set Powerline's thin icon for right side of status bar or \uE0B3
@ultimate-theme-icon-window-pane Set icon of Window : Pane or \uF2D2
@ultimate-theme-icon-prefix Set your favourite Prefix icon 󰉀 or \uDB80\uDE40
@ultimate-theme-icon-cpu-mem Set icon of CPU & Memory usage info 󰍛 or \uDB80\uDF5B
@ultimate-theme-icon-time Set icon of Time or \uF017
@ultimate-theme-icon-date Set icon of Date or \uF073
@ultimate-theme-icon-network-offline Set icon of Network when in Offline mode 󰅛 or \uDB80\uDD5B
@ultimate-theme-icon-network-ethernet Set icon of Network when in Ethernet mode 󰛳 or \uDB81\uDEF3
@ultimate-theme-icon-network-wifi Set icon of Network when in Wifi mode or \uF1EB
@ultimate-theme-icon-battery-ac Set icon of Battery when in AC mode or \uF0E7
@ultimate-theme-icon-battery-discharging-4 Set icon of Battery when in DC mode & remaining percentage in range 76% → 100% or \uF240
@ultimate-theme-icon-battery-discharging-3 Set icon of Battery when in DC mode & remaining percentage in range 51% → 75% or \uF241
@ultimate-theme-icon-battery-discharging-2 Set icon of Battery when in DC mode & remaining percentage in range 26% → 50% or \uF242
@ultimate-theme-icon-battery-discharging-1 Set icon of Battery when in DC mode & remaining percentage in range 6% → 25% or \uF243
@ultimate-theme-icon-battery-discharging-0 Set icon of Battery when in DC mode & remaining percentage in range 0% → 5% or \uF244

Known Issues

Feel free to open Issues when you have any trouble with the plugin or you just want to request new features.


A simple, stable, highly customizable dark theme for Tmux.






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