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Run the demo with Docker Compose

  • Checkout this repo
  • Open a shell prompt on the root folder of the project
  • Run docker compose build
  • Create a .env file with
GRAFANA_CLOUD_INSTANCE_ID=<<your cloud instance id>>
GRAFANA_CLOUD_API_KEY=<<your api key>>
  • Run docker compose run

Run the demo locally

brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
psql postgre
create database my_shopping_cart;
CREATE USER my_shopping_cart WITH PASSWORD 'my_shopping_cart';

// TODO create role test
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE my_shopping_cart TO my_shopping_cart;

  • Install and start Redis
cd redis/
  • Install and start RabbitMQ


  • shell : Fraud Detection service (HTTP endpoint, OTel auto instrumentation)
 cd fraud-detection/
  • shell 3: Checkout service (gRPC endpoint, OTel auto instrumentation)
 cd checkout/
  • shell 4: Warehouse service (RabbitMQ consumer, OTel auto instrumentation)
 cd warehouse/
  • shell 5: Shipping service (HTTP endpoint, Jaeger instrumentation)
 cd shipping/
  • shell 6: Frontend (HTTP endpoint, OTel auto instrumentation)
 cd fronten/
  • shell 7: Load generator to inject load on the frontend (K6)
cd load-generator
  • shell 6: Grafana Agent or OpenTelemetry Collector to send all the data to your Observability backend

Pre requisites

  • Java 17+
  • Postgresql with a database jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/my_shopping_cart and a user my_shopping_cart/my_shopping_cart
    • Hibernate will create a bunch of tables in this my_shopping_cart database.
    • Configuration can be changed in the config files
  • Redis with default unsecured settings
  • RabbitMQ with default unsecured settings
  • A DNS service that maps like Google DNS
  • K6 load testing executable installed
  • npm
    • npm install copyfiles -g
  • An OTLP gRPC intake listening on localhost:4317 and forwarding observability traces, metrics, and logs to your preferred observability backend

Demoed OpenTelemetry capabilities



OpenTelemetry metrics are demoed here providing in the frontend app:

  • Business KPIs with the OrderValueRecorder (and OrderValueWithTagsRecorder) on `com.mycompany.ecommerce.controller.OrderController to provide the following commonly adopted ecommerce KPIs:
    • Sales: sum of the completed purchase orders per hour (per hour or per any desired unit of time)
    • Transaction: count of completed purchase orders per hour (per hour or per any desired unit of time)
    • Average Purchase Order Value: average value of the completed purchase orders
    • Note that this is a "per-request" metric


Auto instrumentation of logs that are seamlessly collected by the Otel agents

Sample execution

Simulate caching service outage

The application relies on a cache for better latency. An outage in the cache will cause the application to always access the database rather than use the cached data and cause a steep increase of the user facing latency. The symptom is the steep increase of the user facing latency. We want "find probable causes" to find the associated steep increase of the rate of log messages of the category Cache⁕miss⁕for⁕product⁕load⁕from⁕database⁕in⁕

  • Augment PostgreSQL latency to find products by ID to make hte problem more visible: http://localhost:8080/chaos/attack/latency/enable
  • Generate load for some time
  • Verify
    • On Elastic APM that the "/api/orders" transaction very rarely performs a find product by id
    • On Elastic logs stream that the categorisation works
  • Make caching access noop on the products, impacting the createOrder operation: http://localhost:8080/chaos/attack/cache/enable
  • Verify
    • On the "/api/orders" latency chart, a steep increase from ~600ms to >2,000ms
    • On the log categorization, the steep increase of Cache⁕miss⁕for⁕product⁕load⁕from⁕database⁕in⁕
    • Logs
      • In the index* (data stream, index template, data view logs-*), count records where "frontend" AND message: "cache miss for product"
    • Metrics
      • index* (data stream, index template, data view metrics-*), redis_cache_misses and redis_cache_puts for frontend steeply increasing
      • TODO OpenTelemetry Collector Redis receiver