This is a test project for fetching and displaying data from
docker-compose up -d
When docker will be running, run
docker exec php artisan init:app
By default all data fetching automatically once every thirty minutes. To force update run this command
docker exec php artisan fetch:data
History of all synchronizations can be found at http://localhost/api/sync_history
This application uses ElasticSearch and ElasticSearch driver for Laravel Scout. Configuration can be found here. Scout package updates and deletes data from ElasticSearch in case if searchable model was updated/deleted. If data was added into database directly, import this data to elasticsearch using those commands
docker exec php artisan scout:flush Market\\Models\\Product
docker exec php artisan scout:import Market\\Models\\Product
Create dump
docker exec market.db /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -pmarket market > docker/db/backup.sql
Rebuild docker image
docker image build --file=./docker/app/Dockerfile --tag=dmitrylobanow/market_app .
docker push dmitrylobanow/market_app
Create index
php artisan elastic:create-index Market\\ElasticScout\\ProductIndexConfigurator
Install docker plugin
vagrant plugin install vagrant-docker-compose