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FINALLY! Beta 7 is up and running! I still need to update the Demo and the Skeleton! But will be done in the next days! NPCs, enemies and path finder is available now, and though it still need a lot of work is working really good so far.
- New architecture.
- Upgrade Colyseus (0.x) and Phaser (3.x).
- Improve registration error messages.
- Add scene label in the database and the scene name in the game.
- Add an option in the game config file to show/hide the scene label.
- Add example animations (doors and river).
- Implement non-player characters entity.
- Implement collision between players.
- Implement short distance attacks.
- Implement respawn areas and enemies entity.
Progress is been made! I will soon push a new video on the last features and fixes! Between the new features included in the beta.7 now we have pathfinder! It still can be improved but already you can use click-to-go. We also have enemies! And they will follow you to hit you using the pathfinder. There are other fixes for animations and NPC's behaviors. Will keep you posted soon!
Hello everyone!!! Quick update! I've been pushing some fixes and new features on the beta 7 branch, but I had to take a pause for a few days which will probably take some more time since my son just born on Jan 15, so now I'm starting with the "dad project" :D I'll keep you posted as soon I get back on Reldens!
Dante's Day!
Good by 2019! What an year... Crazy right? So here we are 2020! Let's go for it! What's new so far? A lot already! All the movement and animations issues were fixed and I'm close to push beta.7! With this beta we will have respawn areas and for start static Enemies! Yeah! Finally some mobs to fight with (beside players can already attack each other). Next thing for next beta.8 will be a pathfinder for enemies movement and on click movement (so you could configure the platform to hide the controllers) between other cool stuff. I really hope to get a stable version released soon!
Probably last update of the year! I'm happy with all the progress and how the app is looking 😄. Next push will the respawn areas and the enemies entity (which for now will only have short distance attacks), this is taking a bit longer but it will be ready soon. The fixes for the know issues are already available in the beta.7 branch which will be the first release on 2020.
Great news! The NPM package is working! https://www.npmjs.com/package/reldens V4.0.0-beta.6 is the last release. This will make installation and implementation so much easier! I'll be updating the documentation over the next days and update the dev.reldens server to reflect all the last changes. After this I'll finish with the pending features for the V4.0.0 release.
Clean up in progress! Old branches were removed, we only have the v4.0.0 branch for the last updates. With the next update the NPC flow will be finished and a general dynamic UI will be implemented.
Alright! The new structure is (I think) finally stable, the new event manager is already handling a lot of stuff and all features and game-objects are implementing it. Now is time to finish and improve the pending basic features: finish with NPCs, players collisions, short distance attacks, items system. Hopefully this shouldn't take as much as you may think since collisions with walls and NPCs are already working so collisions with players is just another condition to add. The goal is to release v4 on Jan 1 2020, or maybe Dec 31 😄
Check the updates on the V4 NPM Ready Installation.
If you like to try V4 NPM Ready, the you should try it with this test repo: https://github.com/damian-pastorini/reldens-game-test. Though progress has been slow over this month, a lot of optimizations and changes were been applied. I'm trying to focus on the events to get the features working an much better way.
Finally I've got some amazing help! Thanks @Seiyria for your time! Now: all the latest updates were merged into the NPM branch as from this day I'll only focus on clean up the architecture. The final structure is still been decided but considering the events implementation I would even probably extract all the example code, configurations and assets into a new repository. So this is going to be a huge change, also the code quality will be improved a lot. The good part is that the branch is going to always work, I don't have the minimal intention of push something that would break the current functionality. Please be patient, it will worth it! 😄
Some time without pushing any updates here, so: A LOT of improvements has been pushed in the different branches that have PRs opened about to be merged in the v4.0.0 branch. I'm focused on get the project NPM ready (getting some help to review that implementation), but also adding new features and keep adding stuff with the mind that it has to work as well when it gets merged in the NPM branch. As soon that's ready I'll update the documentation include some videos and examples.
I'm doing some work in parallel, in between I decide and finish with the NPM implementation v4.0.0-npm-setup-v1, I've started to do some small progress on the other pending features. This way we will keep up on the new features without getting behind because the code structure modifications for NPM which are slower and have small impact on the platform features itself. So the last updates in the v4 branch are now the tilesets animations (river is moving 😄). The next feature will be the doors example, along with the NPC's implementation since both will be implemented as "objects with actions on collision", but for this I'm also thinking on implement a new button/controller (like space bar OR click while you are in the "action area"), to run the action.
A lot of fixes were already applied in V4! Chat is now a fully loaded feature. Between the next steps I'll change the pending configurable hard-coded values and implement the custom events and callbacks. I'm closer than ever to finish with this version and move on the new features!
Our last updates: https://www.dwdeveloper.com/reldens-mmorpg-platform-v4-coming-soon/
V4 is closer than ever! A LOT of changes coming, Objection JS is been amazing and easy to use! Code is getting cleaner as ever! Very excited to get this release soon!
You need to check what's coming in V4! New Architecture Doc
Alright! Crazy stuff is coming! I've decided to stop working on v3.x and go strike to v4.0.0. I'm working on a full restructure of the code, much more clean, clear and optimized.
Huge architecture modifications in coming! After upgrade Colyseus to 0.11 I've realized that the app architecture is getting a mess, so before continue I'll restructure everything.
New v3.1.2 released to include some fixes for issues with the stats interface.
New v3.1.1 released! Improved the DataLink class, implemented the player-stats base feature and applied some minor modifications. In the next release I'll upgrade Colyseus and Phaser to be able to include the pending fixes for the registration messages. The next new features will be NPC's, collisions between players, enemies and short distance attacks!
The issue with the form been submitted is gone but now doing tests found another issue with the room chats not been sent. I've also fixed / added the proper room error handler for when the client get a disconnection error, now the game will automatically drop the client into the login page. All this was released under v3.0.2.
Small release with a few fixes, I've got tired about that issue with the input submitting the form and result in logged out users.
Version 3 is here!!! Give it a try: https://reldens.herokuapp.com and don't forget to check the new documentation: https://github.com/damian-pastorini/reldens/wiki/Installation and https://github.com/damian-pastorini/reldens/wiki/How-To Hope you like it!
Prepare your self! Today I've pushed a lot of changes! Fully modified the database and fixed some issues with the tilesets with animations.
Just finished with the new graphics! Still need to do some minor fixes and some tests but I hope to release v3 next weekend! I will update the documentation since there are a lot of changes everywhere and be careful because the database structure along with all the test data will change (I'll create the migration scripts over next days). If time allow it the new site will be release as well.
V3 is almost ready! checkout the branch v3.0.0 to see what's coming! Additionally we published a small tool to merge multiple images from a single tileset and optimize it: Tiled Map Optimizer
Chat feature was implemented in v3, so the only pending task before this huge release is the new graphics set! Only one to go!
With the last modifications I've got fixed a lot of the TODO's for now just keep the ones related to future features. There's a new GameClient class and the IU inside the game is now under Phaser DOM so the objects get the same behavior as the game box. You can give it a try if you get the v3.0.0 branch.
Since the code modifications I'm making on the client are considerable mayor and making it incompatible with previous version I'm considering to release it as first version 3.0.0. But for that I'll include the new assets which will probably be the finals.
Fixed the P2world body issues, last version seems to be working really good, hope you like it and hope not to find anymore issues like the last one. In the next release I'll focus on get some code improvements and start to put new features.
Found an issue on rooms change with the bodies index 😞, the modifications in progress will fix it.
Now it's working! 😄 give it a try! https://reldens.herokuapp.com/
*** Alright! Colyseus 0.10.x upgrade complete and ALMOST 😛 working! Just saw an issue on the second client connection not seeing the first client. Is too late now 😴 so I'll fix it tomorrow 😄.
Alright! Colyseus 0.10.x upgrade complete and working! Additionally Since that's a big change and the project is having real progress from now on I've decided so follow up on SEMVER guidelines and moved to version 2.x.
Ok, hold on for a bit please Colyseus upgrade will take some time, the client side changed a lot. Work in progress...
Quick update, maps limits were wrong and the town map JSON file had some wrong transparent objects as well, that said... one issue less! 😄 Now it's time to upgrade Colyseus!
Slowly but surely I've started to push some changes into the next release branch. The main issue with the server collisions on the server seems to be with the maps borders (work in progress), and in the default map (town), the tree on the left seems to have two extra points of collision at the top (by now, I think the layers in the map JSON are the problem), I will give if a few tries on it but if I can't getting fixed easily I'll move on to get the last Colyseus update and push the new release.
Training myself on ES6 and TS to upgrade the project, the new version release is quite delayed by now but it's still ongoing hope to get it soon.
Back from holidays, moved to Spain, a lot of personal stuff kept me busy to continue with the project but now I'm looking to get back on track.
Work in progress related to the demo server (still giving some lag issues). Applied some modifications for easier environment deployments. Check the last updates in the version branch 1.2.7. Holidays starting next week so I'll see you on my return next month!
We are preparing to make this project real! I'm working on the new image and website which are coming soon. The first demo for our current version 1.2.6 is available in dev.reldens.com, unfortunately it seems to be quite unstable and the lag is making the movement really bad, so I need to work in a better server (since that's a really basic one, and I'm guessing that's the main deal), and also start to work on the data optimization. For now, if you get an application error, please just re-try, it will work eventually.
After a considerable time I'm really happy to release v1.2.6! This release includes the game-world implementation on the server to avoid possible client-hacks, which is a huge deal on multi-player games. So far the collisions implementation still needs some work to perfectly match the game graphics, but I'm hopping to make it better for the next release. From now on the plan is to get the new versions done faster than this one!
So far it's been hard to make the change rooms work properly now that we have the P2.World involved since for example I need to remove the players body when they leave the room, between other things. Also, I've had to update the maps JSON to properly work in the P2.World, and now I think I need to update some data in the sample DB dump (for example the scenes return points). I'm including all my updates in the v1.2.6rc branch, I'm looking to fix the change scene as soon as possible.
Close to launch 1.2.6, you will find a new RC branch. Note the client prediction part will be a future feature and for now we will only have the server side movement to avoid hacks. The biggest pending modification that's keeping the branch to be merged is to make the scene change happen on the server, and for last some minor modifications to fix the current test maps.
Preparing a Vagrant VM ready to run the project (considering I've broke my environment after update the Node version, and also because there are a lot of updates on Phaser and Colyseus).
I've been a bit short on time to continue with the project (considering it's free), but for sure I'll continue with it over the next months, so keep in touch!