Helenus is a Ruby to Cassandra persistence library
First setup the client:
Helenus::setup('', {:keyspace => 'keyspaceName'})
Setup and use a model:
class Person
include Helenus
property :name, String
property :email, String, :index => true
john = Peron.create(:name => "John", :email => "[email protected]")
john.email = "[email protected]"
# Query the 2i
Person.find_by(:email, "[email protected]") # => returns john
This object will manage it's own secondary index for any properties with the index property set to true.
By default Helenus uses the simple_uuid gem to generate ids automatically. You can plug in your own id generation logic:
class Person
include Helenus
id_generator Proc.new { Time.now.to_f }