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Gradle Changelog Plugin

This plugin allows to maintain changelog for each release.

Task Configuration

In order to update changelog file with the latest release version, you must configure the gradle task

tasks.release.finalizedBy tasks.releaseChangelog

Extension Provided

changelog {
    String changelogFile = ''
    String nextReleasePlaceholder = '## [NEXT RELEASE]'
    String nextReleaseMessage = 'Add changes here...'
    Closure<String> releaseMessageFormat = { version -> "## $version ${new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd')}" }
    String commitMessage = '[skip ci] update changelog'
    String remote = 'origin'
    boolean validateChangelog = true
Property Type Default Description
changelogFile String name of changelog file in the project root
nextReleasePlaceholder String ## [NEXT RELEASE] placeholder which will be replaced with the latest release version
nextReleaseMessage String Add changes here... Dummy message to be replaced with the exact release changes
commitMessage String [skip ci] update changelog Commit message to be used for the changelog file
releaseMessageFormat Closure<String> { version -> "## $version ${new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd')}" } Closure which returns header for a current release
remote String origin Name of the remote repository
validate boolean true Validate changelog contents before release

Tasks Provided

  • initChangelog - creates new empty file in the project root
  • releaseChangelog - puts information about latest released version to the changelog file, commits the changes

Providing branch or tag name from the cmd line

By default the changes made to the changelog file will be commited to the current branch In case when the changes must be submitted to a specific branch, set the branch property:

./gradlew -Pbranch=<branch name>

It's also possible to specify a tag, the branch will be taken by this tag and the changed changelog file will be commited to this branch

./gradlew -Ptag=<tag name>

Grgit library is used (, in order to authenticate git requests, please refer to this page:

Gradle and Java Compatibility

Built with OpenJDK8 Tested with OpenJDK8

Gradle Version Works
5.4 yes


Copyright 2014-2019

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Maintaining a project versions in a changelog file






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