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github-actions[bot] committed Mar 22, 2023
1 parent 750be13 commit c69fc07
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Showing 4 changed files with 319 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/example/example.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
export {};
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions lib/example/example.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import { BunORM } from "../index";
const db = new BunORM("db.sqlite", {
tables: {
roles: {
columns: {
name: {
type: "TEXT",
users: {
columns: {
username: {
type: "TEXT",
password: {
type: "TEXT",
lastOnline: {
type: "JSON",
// Value doesn't matter since we only need
// it to infer the type
customDataType: {},
roles: {
type: "REL",
table: "roles",
mw: {
get: [
(item) => Object.assign(item, { lastOnline: new Date(item.lastOnline) }),
fx: {
checkPassword: (item, pw) => "123" + pw === item.password,
hashPassword: (item) => {
// Please use bcrypt or something similar instead of this
// This code is made just for this example and should not be used
// since it's super unsafe
item.password = "123" + item.password;
return item;
// Try to type something by yourself
// Your IDE should autocomplete based on your db schema
// (On VSCode you might have to press STRG + Space after typing "db." to toggle autocomplete){
name: "admin",
username: "admin",
password: "nimda",
lastOnline: new Date(),
roles: 1,
const admin = db.tables.users.find({
where: {
username: "admin",
admin.roles; // -> will be of type number since the relation is not resolved
const resolvedAdmin = db.tables.users.find({
where: {
username: "admin",
resolve: ["roles"],
const onlyUsernameAdmins = db.tables.users.find({
select: ["username"],
// everything except username and the default attributes (id, createdAt, updatedAt and functions) will be undefined
username: "admin",
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions lib/index.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
/// <reference types="bun-types" />
import { Database } from "bun:sqlite";
type _Narrow<T, U> = [U] extends [T] ? U : Extract<T, U>;
type Narrow<T = unknown> = _Narrow<T, (...args: any[]) => any> | _Narrow<T, 0 | (number & {})> | _Narrow<T, 0n | (bigint & {})> | _Narrow<T, "" | (string & {})> | _Narrow<T, boolean> | _Narrow<T, symbol> | _Narrow<T, []> | _Narrow<T, {
[_: PropertyKey]: Narrow;
}> | (T extends object ? {
[K in keyof T]: Narrow<T[K]>;
} : never) | Extract<{} | null | undefined, T>;
type SQLiteDataType = "NULL" | "INTEGER" | "REAL" | "TEXT" | "BLOB";
type CustomDataType = "JSON";
export type DataType = SQLiteDataType | CustomDataType;
export type NormalizeDataType<T extends DataType, C extends JSON | Column | Relation> = T extends "NULL" ? null : T extends "INTEGER" ? number : T extends "REAL" ? number : T extends "TEXT" ? string : T extends "BLOB" ? Uint8Array : T extends "JSON" ? C extends JSON ? undefined extends C["customDataType"] ? any : C["customDataType"] : any : unknown;
type RemoveFirstParam<T> = T extends (first: any, infer P) => infer R ? (...args: P) => R : never;
export interface Relation {
type: "REL";
table: keyof Tables;
nullable?: boolean;
export interface Column {
type: DataType;
default?: string;
nullable?: boolean;
unique?: boolean;
export interface JSON extends Column {
type: "JSON";
customDataType?: any;
export interface Columns {
[name: string]: Column | JSON | Relation;
type AddColumnDefaults<T> = {
id: number;
} & T & {
updatedAt: string;
createdAt: string;
type AddTableFx<T extends Tables[string], X> = X & (T extends undefined ? {} : {
[name in keyof T["fx"]]: RemoveFirstParam<T["fx"][name]>;
type ExcludeProps<T, U> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>>;
type _ColumnSortOut<T extends Tables[string]["columns"], K extends keyof T> = T[K] extends Column ? T[K]["nullable"] extends true ? K : undefined extends T[K]["default"] ? never : K : T[K]["nullable"] extends true ? K : never;
type And<A, TA, B, TB> = A extends TA ? (B extends TB ? true : false) : false;
type _Columns<TT extends Tables, T extends Tables[string], WORelations extends boolean = false> = {
[colName in keyof T["columns"] as _ColumnSortOut<T["columns"], colName>]?: And<WORelations, true, T["columns"][colName]["type"], "REL"> extends true ? number : T["columns"][colName] extends Column ? NormalizeDataType<T["columns"][colName]["type"], T["columns"][colName]> : T["columns"][colName] extends Relation ? _Columns<TT, TT[T["columns"][colName]["table"]]>[] : never;
} & ExcludeProps<{
[colName in keyof T["columns"]]: And<WORelations, true, T["columns"][colName]["type"], "REL"> extends true ? number : T["columns"][colName] extends Column ? NormalizeDataType<T["columns"][colName]["type"], T["columns"][colName]> : T["columns"][colName] extends Relation ? _Columns<TT, TT[T["columns"][colName]["table"]]>[] : never;
}, {
[colName in keyof T["columns"] as _ColumnSortOut<T["columns"], colName>]: And<WORelations, true, T["columns"][colName]["type"], "REL"> extends true ? number : T["columns"][colName] extends Column ? NormalizeDataType<T["columns"][colName]["type"], T["columns"][colName]> : T["columns"][colName] extends Relation ? _Columns<TT, TT[T["columns"][colName]["table"]]>[] : never;
export interface Table {
columns: Columns;
fx?: {
[name: string]: Narrow<(item: any, ...args: any[]) => any>;
mw?: {
get?: Narrow<(item: any) => any>[];
set?: Narrow<(item: any) => any>[];
export interface Tables {
[name: string]: Table;
type SortOut<I, E> = Pick<I, {
[K in keyof I]: I[K] extends E ? K : never;
}[keyof I]>;
type Or<A, TA, B, TB> = A extends TA ? true : B extends TB ? true : false;
interface _TableFunctions<TT extends Tables, T extends Tables[string]> {
create: (cols: _Columns<TT, T, true>) => AddTableFx<T, _Columns<TT, T, true>>;
save: (cols: {
id?: number;
} & _Columns<TT, T, true>) => void;
delete: (opts: Partial<_Columns<TT, T, true>>) => void;
find: <S extends (keyof T["columns"])[] | undefined, R extends Narrow<(keyof SortOut<T["columns"], {
type: "REL";
}>)[] | undefined>>(opts?: {
where?: Partial<_Columns<TT, T, true>>;
select?: S;
resolve?: R;
}) => AddTableFx<T, AddColumnDefaults<Or<S, (keyof T["columns"])[], R, (keyof SortOut<T["columns"], {
type: "REL";
}>)[]> extends true ? {
[colName in S extends (keyof T["columns"])[] ? keyof Pick<T["columns"], S[number]> : keyof T["columns"]]: T["columns"][colName] extends Column ? NormalizeDataType<T["columns"][colName]["type"], T["columns"][colName]> : T["columns"][colName] extends Relation ? R extends (keyof SortOut<T["columns"], {
type: "REL";
}>)[] ? R[number] extends never ? number : colName extends R[number] ? _Columns<TT, TT[T["columns"][colName]["table"]]>[] : number : number : never;
} : _Columns<TT, T, true>>>[];
findBy: (opts: Partial<_Columns<TT, T>>) => AddTableFx<T, AddColumnDefaults<_Columns<TT, T, true>>>[];
type _Tables<T extends Tables> = {
[tableName in keyof T]: _TableFunctions<T, T[tableName]>;
export interface Config<T extends Tables> {
tables: T;
export declare class BunORM<T extends Narrow<Tables>> {
readonly config: Config<T>;
tables: _Tables<T>;
db: Database;
private createTable;
private Col;
constructor(file: string, config: Config<T>);
export default BunORM;
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions lib/index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import { Database } from "bun:sqlite";
const arr = (length, map) => new Array(length).fill(0).map((_, i) => map(i + 1));
export class BunORM {
createTable = (table, opts) => (typeof`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${table} ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,${Object.entries(opts.columns)
.filter(([_, opts]) => opts.type !== "REL")
.map(([col, opts]) => [
opts.type === "JSON" ? "TEXT" : opts.type,
opts.default && `DEFAULT ${opts.default}`,
opts.unique && "UNIQUE",
!opts.nullable && "NOT NULL",
.filter((x) => !!x)
.join(" "))
.join()}${Object.entries(opts.columns).filter(([_, opts]) => opts.type === "REL").length
? "," +
.filter(([_, opts]) => opts.type === "REL")
.map(([col, opts]) => [`'${col}' INTEGER`, !opts.nullable && "NOT NULL"]
.filter((x) => !!x)
.join(" "))
: ""},'updatedAt' DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,'createdAt' DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL${Object.entries(opts.columns).filter(([_, opts]) => opts.type === "REL").length
? "," +
.filter(([_, opts]) => opts.type === "REL")
.map(([col, opts]) => `FOREIGN KEY ('${col}') REFERENCES ${opts.table} (id)`)
: ""});`) !== "number");
Col = (table) => {
const Table = this.config.tables[table], injectFx = (rows, table = Table) => => Object.assign(x, Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(table.fx || {}).map(([k, v]) => [
(...args) => v(x, ...args),
])))), parseJSON = (rows, table = Table) => Object.values(table.columns).every((x) => x.type !== "JSON")
? rows
: => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(row).map(([k, v]) => [
table.columns[k] && table.columns[k].type === "JSON"
? JSON.parse(v)
: v,
]))), executeGetMiddleware = (rows, table = Table) => !Array.isArray( || => typeof mw !== "function")
? rows
: => { => (row = mw(row)));
return row;
}), resolveRelations = (rows, keys) => !keys.length ||
Object.values(Table.columns).every((x) => x.type !== "REL")
? rows
: => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(row).map(([k, v]) => [
Table.columns[k] && Table.columns[k].type === "REL"
? executeGetMiddleware(injectFx(parseJSON(this.db
.query(`SELECT * FROM ${Table.columns[k].table} WHERE id = $id`)
.all({ $id: v }), this.config.tables[Table.columns[k]
.table]), this.config.tables[Table.columns[k]
.table]), this.config.tables[Table.columns[k]
: v,
return {
create: (cols) => injectFx([cols])[0],
save: (_cols) => {
const cols = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_cols)
.filter(([_, v]) => typeof v !== "function")
.map(([col, val]) => [
Table.columns[col].type === "JSON" ? JSON.stringify(val) : val,
])); &&
.query(`SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ${table} WHERE id = $id;`)
.get({ $id: }).count !== 0
? this.db
.query(`UPDATE ${table} SET ${Object.keys(cols)
.filter((x) => x !== "id")
.map((x, i) => `${x} = $S_${x}`)
.join()} WHERE id = $id;`)
.filter(([k]) => k !== "id")
.map(([k, v]) => [`$S_${k}`, v]),
: this.db
.query(`INSERT INTO ${table} ` +
(Object.keys(cols).length === 0
: `('${Object.keys(cols).join("','")}') VALUES (${arr(Object.keys(cols).length, (i) => `?${i}`).join()});`))
delete: (opts) => this.db
.query(`DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE ${Object.keys(opts)
.map((x, i) => `${x} = ?${i + 1}`)
.join(" AND ")};`)
find: (opts) => resolveRelations(executeGetMiddleware(injectFx(parseJSON(this.db
? `SELECT * FROM ${table};`
: `SELECT ${
? === 0
? ""
: "*"} FROM ${table}${opts.where
? ` WHERE ${Object.keys(opts.where)
.map((x, i) => `${x} = ?${i + 1}`)
.join(" AND ")}`
: ""};`)
.all(...(opts?.where ? Object.values(opts.where) : []))))), opts?.resolve || []),
findBy: (opts) => injectFx(parseJSON(this.db
? `SELECT * FROM ${table};`
: `SELECT * FROM ${table}${opts
? ` WHERE ${Object.keys(opts)
.map((x, i) => `${x} = ?${i + 1}`)
.join(" AND ")}`
: ""};`)
.all(...(opts ? Object.values(opts) : [])))),
constructor(file, config) {
this.config = config;
this.db = new Database(file);
Object.values(config.tables).some((x) => Object.values(x.columns).some((y) => y.type === "REL")) &&
!this.db.query("PRAGMA foreign_keys;").get().foreign_keys &&
this.db.query("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;").run();
this.tables = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(config.tables).map(([table, opts]) => this.createTable(table, opts) && [table, this.Col(table)]));
export default BunORM;

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