Clone the repository using GIT.
PS L:\powershell\oo-powershell\OperationsOrchestrationPowershell\OperationsOrchestrationPowershell> Import-Module -Force .\OperationsOrchestrationPowershell.psd1
PS L:\powershell\oo-powershell\OperationsOrchestrationPowershell\OperationsOrchestrationPowershell> Connect-OO -base_url https://dev-hpoo.domain.com:8443/oo/rest
cmdlet Connect-OO at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
User: ps_admin
Password for user ps_admin: *****
Logged Into https://dev-hpoo.domain.com:8443/oo/rest as ps_admin. OO_URL and OO_TOKEN have been exported to the environment
@{version=10.60 - Enterprise Edition; revision=c0304cf4577137dfd63bcc7edbc7517763fa14aa; build ID=27; build number=27; build job name=10-60-Release}
PS L:\powershell\oo-powershell\OperationsOrchestrationPowershell\OperationsOrchestrationPowershell>
PS L:\> OO GET /version
version : 10.60 - Enterprise Edition
revision : c0304cf4577137dfd63bcc7edbc7517763fa14aa
build ID : 27
build number : 27
build job name : 10-60-Release
$inputs= New-Object PSObject -Property @{'itr_source_ip'='';
'itr_email_address'='[email protected]'}
$flow_payload = New-Object PSObject -Property @{'flowUuid'='823d96be-8d33-4aa3-97a9-5e02fe5f4b8b';
'runName'='PortTest - From Powershell';
$flow_json = $flow_payload | ConvertTo-Json
OO POST /latest/executions $flow_json
$inputs= New-Object PSObject -Property @{'itr_source_ip'='';
'itr_email_address'='[email protected]'}
$es=Invoke-OOFlow -run_name "DD" -uuid 823d96be-8d33-4aa3-97a9-5e02fe5f4b8b -inputs $inputs
PS L:\> $es
executionId : 459301777
branchId :
startTime : 1464629779849
endTime : 1464629798225
status : COMPLETED
resultStatusType : RESOLVED
resultStatusName : success
pauseReason :
cancelReason :
owner : ps_admin
ownerDomain : Internal
triggeredBy : Internal\ps_admin
flowUuid : 823d96be-8d33-4aa3-97a9-5e02fe5f4b8b
flowPath : Library/ITR/Utility Flows/ITR - Run Port Test.xml
executionName : PortTest - From Powershell
triggeringSource : central
roi : 0.0
PS L:\>