With this CLI you will be able to connect through SSH to the desired client, generate a ZIP file in the SiteGround server of the "www/" directory, copy that file to the local directory under './backup', delete the server file, and download the zip through SFTP.
Then, upload this ZIP file to the specified GSC Bucket.
- Test suite
- Upload the ZIP to the GCS Bucket
- Add an env file? so no credential input is needed
- Refactor code
go build main.go
example:wp-backup-cli djigo$ go run main.go connect
Please write your SSH username:
Now introduce the client host:
Now introduce the desired port:
Successfully connected to ssh server.
File will be called: 2021_03_04_160033_yourwpsite.com.zip
Zipping the site, please be patient...
Copying file from SFTP to your ./backups directory ...
Also done!
Deleting zip file from the server...
Exiting, bye! :D
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.