A python client for judo security
performs the following steps
- Encrypt the "secret".
- Create a DEK (32 random bytes).
- Encrypt the "secret" (we use aes-256) using the DEK.
- Create a KEK (32 random bytes).
- Encrypt the DEK (aes-256) using the KEK.
- Use shamir to split the KEK into multiple shards.
- API call: Reserve a secret. If you broke your secret into 5 shards you should reserve a secret for 5 shards.
- Keep note of the URLs returned from the API endpoint. You will write and eventually read from these URLs. You won't be able to request these URLs again.
- Create a GUID to use as a TransactionID.
- Upload each of the shards to one of the URLs received using the Shard/Upload Shard API call.
- Mark the secret as fulfilled by calling the Fulfull secret API call.
- Create a Judo file or store information so you can retrieve and decrypt the secret later. Our client creates a Judo file. You can see an example of a Judo file in the next section.