The IntelliCasino Betting Smart Contract provides a decentralized platform for spectators to place bets on a quiz player's performance in real-time games. The contract is built on the Ethereum blockchain and manages two types of bets: bets on the quiz player winning (by achieving 75%+ accuracy) and bets on IntelliCasino winning (if the player scores below 75%). It leverages Solidity, follows security best practices, and ensures proper fund distribution between the winning side and the casino's commission.
- Decentralized Betting: Allows spectators to place bets on a quiz game outcome (player vs. IntelliCasino).
- Transparent Fund Management: Tracks bets on both sides (player and casino) and securely stores funds during gameplay.
- Secure Fund Distribution: Distributes winnings fairly to bet winners based on a dynamic payout ratio.
- Commission Collection: Automatically deducts a 3% commission from the total bet pool before distributing winnings.
- Security Best Practices: Reentrancy attack protection and secure transfer mechanisms ensure the contract’s robustness.
- A new game can be created by the casino owner (which is the frontend application).
- Each game has an ID provided by the frontend and can only accept bets during its OPEN state.
- Spectators can place bets on the player or casino using the
function. - The contract ensures that spectators can only place bets when the game is in an OPEN state.
- Spectators can add to their existing bets until the game is closed.
- Before the game is closed, spectators can withdraw their placed bets using
. - The contract handles bet removal from the active pool and ensures the user's funds are transferred back securely.
- Once the game begins, the owner can close the game using the
function, preventing further bets or withdrawals.
- After the game concludes, the contract calculates the payout ratio and distributes the winnings to the winners (based on whether the player won or the casino won).
- The casino takes a 3% commission from the total bet pool before winnings are distributed.
- The contract ensures enough funds are available before any transfer.
- Reentrancy Guards: Each bet and withdrawal updates the contract’s state before any transfer, preventing reentrancy attacks.
- Modifiers for Ownership: Only the contract owner can create games, close games, or distribute winnings, ensuring that the contract is operated by authorized entities.
- Gas Optimization: Careful use of
for minimizing unnecessary gas consumption.
Foundry is a blazing fast, portable, and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust. It is used for building, testing, and deploying this contract.
- Forge: Ethereum testing framework.
- Cast: Swiss army knife for interacting with EVM smart contracts.
- Anvil: Local Ethereum node for testing.
- Chisel: Solidity REPL for quick prototyping.
$ forge build
$ forge test
$ forge fmt
$ forge snapshot
$ anvil
$ forge script script/IntelliCasinoBetting.s.sol:IntelliCasinoBettingDeploymentScript --rpc-url <your_rpc_url> --private-key <your_private_key>
$ cast <subcommand>
$ forge --help
$ anvil --help
$ cast --help
- Metamask Integration: Spectators will authenticate with Metamask wallets to place bets using their ETH.
- GraphQL and WebSocket Integration: Real-time data streaming of games will allow spectators to track the game’s progress and place bets in live environments.
- Role-based Authentication: Future iterations will include role-based access control for players, spectators, and casino operators.