Typescript seed projects with different config / build tools, all sample show some basic Typescript code + a basic Angular 1.x app using components architecture + a possible migration path to NG2 using ngMetadata
- namespace sample using Typescript namespace + TSC with outFile to bundle
- browserify sample using Typescript commonjs module + Browserify + Tsify to build the bundle
- gulp sample using Typescript import/export module + bundle built with Gulp (watchify + uglify for prod)
- webpack 1.x sample using Typescript import/export module + Webpack to build vendor and app bundle
- systemjs sample using Typescript import/export module + SystemJS to run the app and load modules (NOT BUNDLE JET)
- rollup sample using Typescript import/export module + Roolup to build minified bundle with tree-shake
To try a sample simply:
cd ts-<config_directory>
npm install
npm start