I want to solve LeetCode questions but only with C this time, and I will upload solutions here.
Any PR about the existing solutions is welcomed, while that for the nonexistent solutions isn't since I want to solve them myself first.
- A C compiler
First, clone the repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/dodo920306/leetcode_all_in_c.git
$ cd leetcode_all_in_c
Second, another repository must also be included since sadly I can't make every data structure from scratch (I wish I could).
$ git clone https://github.com/troydhanson/uthash.git
And, This is totally legal since even Leetcode itself recommends it.
Use your C compiler on your computer to compile each solution and run it, simple as that.
If you're using gcc
, you can simply test every question with
$ chmod +x test.sh
$ ./test.sh ${question_number}
In every solution provided here, there must be a main function in it to provide an example input to the solution function.
The example inputs used here typically came from the question descriptions provided by LeetCode itself originally.