This is repository for mioco before version 0.9. It's hear for historical reasons, while I've started reworking mioco in the original location: . Sorry for all the confusion.
Rust community decided that futures
should be main Rust async IO story, so you
might want to look at
tokio-fiber: coroutines as Future
project, which should have mioco-like API and allow easily porting code using mioco
mioco::start(|| -> io::Result<()> {
let addr = listend_addr();
let listener = try!(TcpListener::bind(&addr));
println!("Starting tcp echo server on {:?}", try!(listener.local_addr()));
loop {
let mut conn = try!(listener.accept());
mioco::spawn(move || -> io::Result<()> {
let mut buf = [0u8; 1024 * 16];
loop {
let size = try!( buf));
if size == 0 {/* eof */ break; }
let _ = try!(conn.write_all(&mut buf[0..size]));
This trivial code scales very well. See benchmarks.
Mioco is looking for contributors. See Contributing page for details.
Scalable, coroutine-based, asynchronous IO handling library for Rust programming language.
Mioco uses asynchronous event loop, to cooperatively switch between
coroutines (aka. green threads), depending on data availability. You
can think of mioco
as Node.js for Rust or Rust green
threads on top of mio
Read Documentation for details and features.
If you want to say hi, or need help use #mioco
To report a bug or ask for features use github issues.
To start test echo server:
cargo run --release --example echo
For daily work:
make all
In Cargo.toml:
mioco = "*"
In your
extern crate mioco;
- colerr - colorize stderr;
- mioco-openssl example
Send PR or drop a link on gitter.