Welcome to CodeRaid! An interactive terminal-based game where you and your team can embark on thrilling challenges resembling an escape room experience. With CodeRaid, dive into an engaging adventure right from your terminal window.
Clone the Repository: Begin by cloning the CodeRaid repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/dtriska/CodeRaid.git
Navigate to the Repository: Once cloned, navigate to the directory of the repository in your terminal.
Start the Game: To initiate the game, enter the Start Directory
Gameplay Instructions: Follow the prompts and instructions provided within the game to progress through different levels and challenges. Remember the following:
Team Up: You can play solo with two terminals or form a team of two or more players.
No Peeking: Avoid looking at source code files (ending with .cpp or .py) or files within the src folder. This ensures a fair and challenging experience.
cd directory_name
: Change directory to the specified directory.ls
: List files and directories in the current directory.
cat filename
: View text files (use only on .txt files) -
chrome filename
: Open HTML files in a web browser (use only on .html files) -
: Execute executable files -
start filename
: View JPEG images or view .html files on Windows -
Level Progression: Start with Level 1 in the Start Folder. Once completed, proceed to Level 2 in the Vault Folder. Note that Level 2 requires information obtained from Level 1.
Wheels Folder: In the Wheels Folder, only access the wheels.html file. Do not view the other images.
Unused Directory: Avoid accessing the Unused Directory.
Internet Usage: While it's open to using the internet, try to minimize external references for a more immersive experience.
Save Progress: Be cautious when ending the executable prematurely, as all progress will be lost. Only exit if you're sure you'd like to end the game.
- Enjoy the Adventure: Immerse yourself in the challenges, work together with your team, and enjoy the thrilling adventure of CodeRaid!
Contributions to CodeRaid are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
Let the code raiding begin! ๐