This script imports all watched Netflix tv shows and movies to
It uses TMDB to find the episode number and id of the show/movie by comparing the episode titles / movie names with the ones from the Netflix export file.
By using TMDB multi-language support is provided!
For each entry, the season number and show name is extracted. With this information the season is queried from TMDB. If the episode name from the Netflix Export matches the episode name from the TMDB season, the Id is filled in.
Otherwise, it is checked if the episode number might be already in the title of the episode. As a last test, it is checked if the number of episodes in the season equals the number of watched episodes. If this is the case, the script will estimate the episode number based on the viewing history (latest watched episode = last episode of the season.)
If no match was found at all, the episode / movie is left out.
- account and API Key
- TMDB account and API Key
- Netflix Account
- Python (tested with python 3.8.5 under macOS)
Just clone this repo, fill in the API keys and language information in the file.
If your Netflix csv file uses a different datetime format (default: day.month.year) then change the
setting in the config.ini
Note: Use %Y for years like 2023 and %y for year entries like 23.
If your csv file uses a different delimiter than ,
between date and entry, then change the
option as well.
See how to register API access below.
Install the requirements ( and tmdb) by calling:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Also, of course a NetflixViewingHistory.csv export file is needed. This can be obtained directly from the netflix page. Compare for more information.
Note: There is currently no check if the data is already uploaded. This means, if you use the script more than once, make sure to delete all previously synced episodes/movies from the csv file.
To use the script simply call
For printing only the non-found shows just execute
grep "No Tmdb ID found" Netflix2TraktImportLog.log
If execution fails with error tmdbv3api.exceptions.TMDbException: ['query must be provided'], set the strict
option of the
section in config.ini
file to False.
To customize the import options, copy config_default.ini
to config.ini
and make your changes there.
cp config_default.ini config.ini
# open config.ini in the editor of your choice
- Go to "Settings" under your profile
- Select "Your API Applications"
- Select "New Application"
- Provide a name into "Name" e.g John Smith Import from TV Time
- Paste "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" into "Redirect uri:"
- Click "Save App"
- Make note of your details to be used later.
- Check found TMDB shows/movies before sending to
- Better print outputs
- Use only trakt Search and make TMDB optional
I did this on one weekened, so there is probably room for improvement :)