- NAIVE implementation of Hartree-Fock method in GTO base,
- ARCHIVAL code written in 2009,
- port of older fortran code to C++,
- GPLv3 LICENSE - use for any purpose as long as you keep copyright note and open source.
- NAIVE SCF loop - O(N^4) complexity,
- calculates ENERGY and ORBITALS (represented by coefficients in the matrix),
- read molecule GEOMETRY from file,
- GTO BASIS with parameters read from file.
- Only integrals for S orbitals are implemented,
- the number of total electrons in the system MUST BE EVEN (see restricted Hartree-Fock).
cd src
- Create input file containing:
- molecule geometry in cartessian system,
- basis name to use (basis must be declared within basis.lib file),
- example h2.inp file is presented below:
H 0.0 0.0 0.0
H 0.0 0.0 0.742724
- Run HFR code:
$./hfr h2.inp
Hartree-Fock-Roothan, GNU GPLv3
Copyright (C) 2009, Sylwester Wysocki <[email protected]>
Source code available at https://github.com/dzik143/hfr-cpp
Loading basis list.................O.K!
Loading element symbols............O.K!
Using job file 'h2.inp'
Loading geometry...................O.K!
Atom X Y Z
H 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
H 0.00000 0.00000 1.40348
Using basis set 6-31G...
Loading basis set..................O.K!
Generating atomic orbitals.........O.K!
Number of contracted GTO functions: 4
Number of primitive GTO functions: 8
Number of one-electron integrals: 64
Number of two-electron integrals: 1024
Memory needed to store integrals: 0.004 MB
Calculating molecular integrals....O.K!
Falling into SCF loop...
iter=1 Etotal=-1.07423828000
iter=2 Etotal=-1.12542019000 delta=5.11819070e-002
iter=3 Etotal=-1.12668272000 delta=1.26253187e-003
iter=4 Etotal=-1.12671112000 delta=2.84026845e-005
iter=5 Etotal=-1.12671175000 delta=6.30249303e-007
iter=6 Etotal=-1.12671177000 delta=1.39565290e-008
SCF convergented.
Molecular orbitals:
1.120 0.123 0.768 0.327
-1.347 1.708 -0.686 0.272
-1.120 -0.123 0.768 0.327
1.347 -1.708 -0.686 0.272
Orbital energies: