Application developed in order to discover how old is your dog compared with human age, as well other curiosities.
Language: Python
Frameworks: Flask, Pymongo, Gunicorn
Web Server: NGINX
DB: MongoDB
HTML5 + CSS + JavasScript
Enjoy it!
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
In order to run this app, you need just install Docker CE and Docker Compose.
For more information, see and
Clone this repository:
git clone
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Installing Docker CE and start Docker daemon
Installing Docker Compose
Running the environment
docker-compose up -d
Simple tests to make sure that is everthing fine.
Checking if all containers are running. You should see 3 containers up, the first one refers to mongo (MongoDB), the second one to web-app (Python) and the third one to nginx (NGINX).
Remark: Mongo_seed runs only to add data files to MongoDB, afther that this goes down. Use below command in order to check containers status:
docker ps -a
You can check the logs of each container using the below command:
docker logs <container id>
- Emerson Barros - Initial work - ebarros29
- I dedicate this work to all animal lovers, especially dogs lovers.