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LWM2M 1.1 supported features

Simon edited this page Jun 3, 2024 · 30 revisions

This concerns only new features added in LWM2M v1.1.x.

(LWM2M 1.1 augments the LWM2M 1.0, look at this page to now about LWM2M 1.0 supported features)

💚: Fully implemented.
💛: Partially implemented or implemented without enough flexibility.
🚧: In progress.
⛔: Not implemented.

Support & embed new Models : 💚

Resource Instance Codec tlv txt json opaque cbor senml-json senml-cbor
encoding 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚
decoding 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚
Resource Instance Operation Server client
Read 💚 💚
write 💚 💚
observe 💚 💚
cancel observe 💚 💚
write attributes 💚 💚
New data type tlv txt json cbor senml-json senml-cbor
Unsigned Integer 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚
coreLnk 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚
New Data Formats
senML-JSON 💚
senML-CBOR 💚
Supported content format (ct=?) 💚
Bootstrap new supported content format param 💚
Handle model versioning (using Discover request?) 💚
Bootstrap-Read 💚
New Device Management request
Read-Composite 💚
Write-Composite 💚
New Information reporting Server Client
Send 💚 💚
Observe-Composite 💚 💚
Cancel-Observe-Composite 💚 💚
Write Attribute for Observe-Composite 💚
OSCORE 🧪 (experimental) #725
Certificate Usage 💚
New Attributes Client Server
short server id 💚 💚
server URI 💚 💚
enabler version 💚 💚
epmin/epmax 💚
New Transport Binding
TCP 🧪 (experimental) #1528 #1607