This is a simulator designed for MARL(Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning) Algorithm researchers to train robot motion control strategies.
The simulator models robots with Ackerman, Mecanum and differential steering and lidar, which can be applied to common tasks such as obstacle avoidance, navigation, environment exploration,etc.
We realize the method proposed in our paper to accelerate robot kinematics simulation and lidar rendering, achieving about 2.56 and 14.2 times simulation speedup respectively.
│ ├─MultiVehicleEnv/
│ │ ├─scenarios/
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The main part of simulator is implemented under the folder
, including the attribute definitions and physical modeling ofVehicle
, as well as API for the whole system. -
, we combine the above elements to form complete scenarios. Under the foldersrc/MultiVehicleEnv/test
, for each scenario we have defined, we train the RL strategy to accomplish a specific task.
Python (3.8.10), OpenAI gym (0.18.3), pyglet(1.5.15), numpy (1.20.3)
Just install this repo by:
git clone
cd MultiVehicleEnv/src
pip install -e .
The API of simulator is Gym-like, which is friendly and easy to understand for researchers.
You can take src/MultiVehicleEnv/test/
as an example to get started. In this script, we instantiate a scenario for cooperative navigation (defined in src/MultiVehicleEnv/scenarios/
) and obtain the simulation environment to train and evaluate RL strategy.