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fix(hocon_pp): ensure the pretty-print result is a list of lines
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zmstone committed Feb 14, 2024
1 parent b3df4bc commit 4aa4e89
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Showing 3 changed files with 102 additions and 40 deletions.
110 changes: 74 additions & 36 deletions src/hocon_pp.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
-define(TRIPLE_QUOTE, <<"\"\"\"">>).
-define(INDENT_STEP, 2).

-type line() :: binary().

%% @doc Pretty print HOCON value.
%% Options are:
%% `embedded': boolean, to indicate if the given value is an embedded part
Expand All @@ -34,7 +36,9 @@
%% `no_obj_nl': boolean, default to `false'. When set to `true' no new line
%% is added after objects.
-spec do(term(), map()) -> iodata().
%% Return a list of binary strings, each list element is a line.
-spec do(term(), map()) -> [line()].
do(Value, Opts0) when is_map(Value) ->
Opts = Opts0#{indent => 0},
%% Root level map should not have outer '{' '}' pair
Expand All @@ -60,7 +64,7 @@ pp_flat([]) ->
pp_flat([{Path, Value} | Rest]) ->
[Path, " = ", pp_flat_value(Value), "\n"]
[Path, " = ", pp_flat_value(Value), real_nl()]
| pp_flat(Rest)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,6 +188,9 @@ indent_multiline_str(Chars, Opts) ->
Lines = hocon_scanner:split_lines(Chars),
indent_str_value_lines(Lines, Opts).
real_nl() ->
%% mark each line for indentation with 'indent'
%% except for empty lines in the middle of the string
indent_str_value_lines([[]], Opts) ->
Expand All @@ -194,12 +201,12 @@ indent_str_value_lines([LastLine], Opts) ->
[nl_indent(Opts), (bin(LastLine))];
indent_str_value_lines([[] | Lines], Opts) ->
%% do not indent empty line
[<<"\n">> | indent_str_value_lines(Lines, Opts)];
[real_nl() | indent_str_value_lines(Lines, Opts)];
indent_str_value_lines([Line | Lines], Opts) ->
[nl_indent(Opts), (bin(Line)) | indent_str_value_lines(Lines, Opts)].
gen_list(L, Opts) ->
case is_oneliner(L) of
case is_oneliner(L, Opts) of
true ->
%% one line
["[", infix([gen(I, Opts) || I <- L], ", "), "]"];
Expand All @@ -219,25 +226,39 @@ gen_multiline_list_loop([I], Opts) ->
gen_multiline_list_loop([H | T], Opts) ->
[nl_indent(Opts), gen(H, Opts), "," | gen_multiline_list_loop(T, Opts)].
is_oneliner(Value, Opts) ->
bin(opts_nl(Opts)) =:= <<>> orelse is_oneliner(Value).
is_oneliner(L) when is_list(L) ->
lists:all(fun(X) -> is_number(X) orelse is_simple_string(X) orelse is_atom(X) end, L);
fun(X) ->
is_number(X) orelse
is_atom(X) orelse
is_oneliner(M) when is_map(M) ->
maps:size(M) < 3 andalso is_oneliner(maps:values(M)).
%% contain $"{}[]:=,+#`^?!@*& \\ should be quoted
is_simple_string(Str) ->
is_simple_short_string(X) ->
case re:run(Str, "^[^$\"{}\\[\\]:=,+#`\\^?!@*&\\ \\\\\n]*$") of
nomatch -> false;
_ -> true
Str = bin(X),
size(Str) =< 40 andalso is_simple_string(Str)
_:_ ->
%% contain $"{}[]:=,+#`^?!@*& \\ should be quoted
is_simple_string(Str) ->
case re:run(Str, "^[^$\"{}\\[\\]:=,+#`\\^?!@*&\\ \\\\\n]*$") of
nomatch -> false;
_ -> true

gen_map(M, Opts) ->
case is_oneliner(M) of
case is_oneliner(M, Opts) of
true ->
["{", infix(gen_map_fields(M, Opts, oneline), ", "), "}"];
false ->
Expand All @@ -251,12 +272,16 @@ gen_map(M, Opts) ->

gen_map_fields(M, Opts, oneline) ->
[gen_map_field(K, V, Opts) || {K, V} <- maps:to_list(M)];
[gen_map_field(K, V, Opts) || {K, V} <- map_to_list(M)];
gen_map_fields(M, Opts, multiline) ->
Fields = maps:to_list(M),
Fields = map_to_list(M),
F = fun({K, V}) -> [indent(Opts), gen_map_field(K, V, Opts), ?NL] end,
lists:map(F, Fields).

%% sort the map fields by key
map_to_list(M) ->
lists:keysort(1, [{bin(K), V} || {K, V} <- maps:to_list(M)]).

gen_map_field(K, V, Opts) when is_map(V) ->
[maybe_quote_key(K), " ", gen(V, Opts)];
gen_map_field(K, V, Opts) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,6 +329,8 @@ maybe_quote_latin1_str(S) ->
false -> S

bin(A) when is_atom(A) ->
bin(IoData) ->
try unicode:characters_to_binary(IoData, utf8) of
Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> Bin;
Expand All @@ -313,27 +340,38 @@ bin(IoData) ->

fmt(Tokens, Opts) ->
NewLine = maps:get(newline, Opts, $\n),
Flat = flatten(Tokens, 2),
(?NL) -> NewLine;
(X) -> X

flatten([], _Indent) ->
Flatten = flatten(Tokens),
render_nl(Flatten, [], [], opts_nl(Opts)).

opts_nl(Opts) ->
maps:get(newline, Opts, real_nl()).

render_nl([], LastLine, Lines, _NL) ->
lists:reverse(add_line_r(lists:reverse(LastLine), Lines));
render_nl([?NL | Rest], Line0, Lines, NL) ->
Line = lists:reverse([NL | Line0]),
render_nl(Rest, [], add_line_r(Line, Lines), NL);
render_nl([Token | Rest], Line, Lines, NL) ->
render_nl(Rest, [Token | Line], Lines, NL).

add_line_r(Line, Lines) when is_list(Line) ->
add_line_r(bin(Line), Lines);
add_line_r(<<>>, Lines) ->
add_line_r(Line, Lines) ->
[Line | Lines].

flatten([]) ->
flatten([I | T], Indent) when is_integer(I) ->
[I | flatten(T, Indent)];
flatten([B | T], Indent) when is_binary(B) ->
[B | flatten(T, Indent)];
flatten([L | T], Indent) when is_list(L) ->
flatten(L ++ T, Indent);
flatten([?NL | T], Indent) ->
dedup_nl([?NL | flatten(T, Indent)]);
flatten(B, _Indent) when is_binary(B) ->
flatten([I | T]) when is_integer(I) ->
[I | flatten(T)];
flatten([B | T]) when is_binary(B) ->
[B | flatten(T)];
flatten([L | T]) when is_list(L) ->
flatten(L ++ T);
flatten([?NL | T]) ->
[?NL | dedup_nl(flatten(T))];
flatten(B) when is_binary(B) ->

indent_dec(#{indent := Level} = Opts) ->
Expand All @@ -355,8 +393,8 @@ nl_indent(Level) ->
[?NL, indent(Level)].

%% The inserted ?NL tokens might be redundant due to the lack of "look ahead" when generating.
dedup_nl([?NL, ?NL | T]) ->
dedup_nl([?NL | T]);
dedup_nl([?NL | T]) ->
dedup_nl(Tokens) ->

Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/hocon_schema_json.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,10 +171,8 @@ examples(FieldSchema) ->
fmt_default(undefined) ->
fmt_default(Value) ->
case hocon_pp:do(Value, #{newline => "", embedded => true}) of
[OneLine] -> #{oneliner => true, hocon => bin(OneLine)};
Lines -> #{oneliner => false, hocon => bin([[L, "\n"] || L <- Lines])}
OneLine = hocon_pp:do(Value, #{newline => "", embedded => true}),
#{oneliner => true, hocon => bin(OneLine)}.

fmt_type(Ns, T) ->
hocon_schema:fmt_type(Ns, T).
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions test/hocon_pp_tests.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -291,3 +291,29 @@ wrap_value_test() ->

oneliner_test_() ->
PP = fun(Value) -> hocon_pp:do(Value, #{newline => "", embedded => true}) end,
?_assertEqual([<<"{a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4}">>], PP(#{a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4})),
?_assertEqual([<<"{a = [1, 2, 3, 4]}">>], PP(#{a => [1, 2, 3, 4]}))

long_string_makes_multiline_map_test_() ->
LongString = iolist_to_binary(lists:duplicate(100, <<"b">>)),
ShortString = iolist_to_binary(lists:duplicate(40, <<"b">>)),
Value1 = #{<<"a">> => LongString, b => 1},
Value2 = #{<<"a">> => ShortString, b => 1},
PP = fun(V) -> hocon_pp:do(#{root => V}, #{}) end,
<<"root {\n">>,
<<" a = ", LongString/binary, "\n">>,
<<" b = 1\n">>,
?_assertEqual([<<"root {a = ", ShortString/binary, ", b = 1}\n">>], PP(Value2))

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