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realtux committed May 23, 2020
1 parent 6583231 commit 1595767
Showing 1 changed file with 277 additions and 0 deletions.
277 changes: 277 additions & 0 deletions stream037/notes.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
- possible guests on stream

Do you think that i can still be accepted to a computer/programming
related jobs even tho i didn't finish computer-related courses? And..
what do you think is the best language to start with in the
"computer" career? (HoaxSnowden)
- yes, development is all about results
- as a first language pick something common

How to start freelancing for computer engineering students in
this pandemic? (Coolgamerboy)
- now is a better time than ever since most freelancing
happens remotely

I've never worked an office job and I develop for private clients.
The tasks vary, from simple text format converters to big projects
like TBs of data analysis that had to be done in ms. I constantly
feel like I don't know enough or I'm not good enough because I
don't know how my skills compare vs others (since I've never actually
worked with other developers). I have huge passion for coding, I've
completed a CS degree and developing for private clients really
forces me to educate myself and write clean, maintainable code. Do
you take on projects that you're not sure how to tackle or that are
out of your comfort zone? Is that fair to the client? If that is the
case, would you charge for research and learning or just for actual
coding (assuming it's hourly)? Do you think that trying to work at
a company for a while to try to gain experience, learn from others
would be a good idea? Thanks to you and your team for everything
you do. I've learnt a lot from you! (realestro)
- don't be concerned with how you rank among others
- i personally don't try to take projects that are outside of my
expertise because project success is your reputation. there's
no shame in saying you don't know how to do something.
- as long as both parties are ok with the terms, even if those
terms are you needing to research stuff and charge them for it,
then everything is ok
- charging in complicated, comes down to hourly vs fixed

How long would it take an electrical engineer 1 year out of college
(roughly 3-4 years experience in chemical/refining controls automation)
with basic programming fundamentals to get to a hireable skill level
for something like a .Net developer? Also can you speak on the
differences from dev work to something like systems engineering (Brain)
- certainly your degree and experience will give you some clout
- development is based on results, companies will expect results
- positions vary though

I have a degree in Math and I currently work as a sysadmin. I'm trying
to break into the software engineering world. I've been doing my best
to learn python/JavaScript/react, build a portfolio of projects, and
study interview questions/techniques. Been considering attempting an MS
in CS. I guess what I need is to find a project that I'm passionate
about and I'll find work through that (or something). What other skills
do I need to cultivate/are in high demand? What am I missing? (Nick)
- given your degree, current line of work, and desire to go further,
you're already on solid footing
- first consider if a lateral move (within your company) is possible
- if not, you'll want to be familiar with at least one thing in a
given stack (ex. linux, js, mysql, html/css)

What is the best thing I can do as a freshman to get a career in
development and what would you suggest my career be? thanks! (Turt)
- not sure if this is freshman in hs or college
- either way, start learning a common language like javascript
or python

In what ways can a person advertise/promote their open source
software? (Shreyas)
- low hanging fruit includes -- optimizing keywords, having
a good readme, having good documentation
- as far as where to advertise, i'd start on reddit

What do companies value more, college degree or practical skills? (Shreyas)
- when the rubber meets the road, experience beats college
degree every time
- the one exception is when the position is very academic in nature

I've been consulting and assisting companies with some freelance
projects and always find it challenging to attach a price / cost to
time when having to quote on work needing to be done. Is there a
suggested method like a rule of thumb approach you can suggest
whenever you look at a project and attaching a cost to it? (Donovan)
- assumption -- you don't send out work
- one of my rules used to be that i don't do fixed price work
that exceeds an estimated $2,000
- software developers are optimists and woefully underestimate
the time it takes to do things

How does one get started with freelancing? what are some legal
requirements and how would separate yourself from the crowd of
thousands of developers? (Ayush, Louis)
- join a freelance marketplace (fiverr, upwork, gigster, etc.)
- you separate yourself through reviews from past work
- this may involve doing a few projects for less than you'd
normally charge just to prime the pump

What are some tool that one must familiarize them self with
when freelancing? (Ayush)
- a clock (seriously)
- most sites provide a place to collaborate with your client but
if they don't, knowing how to set up and use a simple slack
workspace is useful

How do decide the "price" of your product? is it done up front
or is there some form of negotiation. and what are some potential
drawbacks of doing freelancing? (Ayush)
- freelancing is generally either
- a) i'll produce x product for y price, or
- b) i'll work on x product for y price hourly
- lot of factors go into the price

How to establish yourself as a competent freelancer? (saki)
- have previous work to show

How would an underaged person get into software development
(startups, freelancing, corporate)? (saki)
- depends on country really, laws may prevent somebody
below a certain age of engaging in employment, even

How to find customers if you are specializing in e.g. backend or
databases? (saki)
- finding customers is the problem with virtually any freelancer,
business, etc. in existence
- easiest way is to join a freelancer marketplace

What would be a polite way of denying a stubborn or careless
customers? (saki)
- pre-requisite - set clear expectations up front of both what
the client can expect from you and what you expect from the
- don't take the project if you don't like the terms
- if all else fails, just be honest about the problems and,
address them.

Is freelance experience going to benefit if you are trying to get a
job at a company? (saki)
- it will but not ask much as a traditional position
- freelancing causes you to miss out on important aspects
around being in a real development position like collaboration,
working with project managers, working with qa, etc.

What technologies and skills are crucial for successful freelancing
career? (saki, cvekaso)
- there aren't any specifically
- the need for freelance development is a broad one comprised
of virtually every skill

Hi EM, can you mention and discuss about some good Universities in
The US which are strong in the field of CS? :D (Mo)
- i studied electrical engineering in college
- most of my cs knowledge is self-taught so i can't speak too
much regarding cs programs, sorry :(

What is your opinion on Julia related to the future business
integration of the language/replacement of other languages such
as Python? Do you consider it to be a useful programming language
to master for future jobs, even if you are not a data
scientist? (taranbis)
- julia is still pretty new, but very promising
- i wouldn't be in any real rush to learn it specifically for the
purpose of being more likely to find a job

What would be the best approach to finding a job without having
education (self taught)? What would be the best way to look for
a job in USA if you do not live there? (Unknown)
- in lieu of education, solid experience is key
- getting a job in the u.s. if you don't live here is
challenging. the best is to do contract work over a
freelancing platform

Which areas of software engineering are on the rise and
which are declining? (SuperChump123)
- i think desktop apps represents the largest decline due
to maturity of other technologies that can replace them
- machine learning is probably the area that is on the biggest
rise as its applications are everything from websites, iot,
self driving cars, and everything in between

what are useful skills to acquire that are not directly related
to programming, but would good to have as programmer. (pizza)
- time management is important
- being able to communicate technical topics to non-technical
people also extremely important

Hello dear engineerman, can you be bad at math and still do
sofware engineering? (Caleb Peretz)
- yes, i'm terrible at math and i've done fine
- some engineering projects do require a good deal of math and
certainly those would be tougher for somebody not so good at math
- the vast majority of projects, however, you can get by
if you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide

Where you find your "clients" ? I work for a company now, how
do I get "clients" let's say? there's few sites like
although is very difficult to compete with Indians, where they
have incredibly low rates. (Unknown)
- low rates doesn't immediately mean they'll win all the work
- $2/hr is never going to get you a good product
- not sure what country you're in, but, if it's the u.s., many
companies will look for people in north america only

How to self establish a business as a developer without the
essential business skills ? (Marketing, sales and customer
service, Communication and negotiation, Leadership,
Networking, etc.) (Pedro Bauer)
- easiest way is to find a partner that does everything you can't
- if being a sole proprietor is the ultimate goal, then you
need to educate yourself on the above skills.
- if just freelancing is your goal, joining a freelance marketplace
will mean the marketing, sales, and networking piece is handled

how do you know if you are ready to freelancing? is there any
concrete steps of self evaluation or do we just need to dive
in without having any second thoughts? thank you. (tayfun)
- you should first understand what your limits are
- freelance projects come in all sizes, shapes, and forms, thus
the likelihood of finding one that is a fit for your skills
is high

What do you consider to be the most important qualities that a
client needs to have in order to you want to work with him? (cvekaso)
- communication for sure, and you can get a feel of their
ability to communicate before you enter into any agreement

How does it feel to be one man army and what are the biggest flaws
it brings and some of your experiences so far? (cvekaso)
- the most prominent challenge is that everything is up to you
- control this problem by taking work you can finish on your own

What is your way of thinking and general motto related to choosing
a career path and what do you follow when making that choice? (cvekaso)
- the best career path is the one where you're most satisfied

My senior year of high school is coming up, and college is right
down the road. I want to start at least an internship early
to get job experience. A little pay would be nice too. How do
I go about landing my first internship, if I should even do
this at all? (Collin Padgett)
- the good news about interships is that you don't really need
to be proficient in anything
- the bad news is the same as the good news
- first way - canvass your area and check their websites for
open opportunities
- second way - network with teachers, friends of your family,

If it's not too off topic, I would like to hear some career
advice for a novice SysAdmin (resources, projects, certifications,
books,...), or at least a subjective commentary on the trends
for this kind of jobs. (ProgrammingFarmer (Eric))
- linux+, network+, server+ all solid general certs
- specific certs exist for the specific systems you're using
- most important priority is improving your knowledge
of the systems relevant to your position

How to upgrade yourself for FAANG level when you have rudimentary
experience even though you have worked for a year or two ? Should
we do projects or DSA ? Also is there any age related stigma in
the industry ? Also how is cyber security or ethical hacking as
a career ? Thanks. (Hope)
- big companies have the benefit of having unlimited numbers
of people who want to work there so they can be very
- things that help - education, location, and connections
- age generally not a hiring factor assuming you're legally
allowed to work

- Any information on Jenkins. Do you use it, difficult
to learn, good/bad experiences? (Unknown)
- Do you prefer the "enterprise" business model that
companies often go for? (Unknown)
- What would you regard/recommend as useful and general
skills or technologies one shall learn? How about
recommendations for a C/C++ developer? (taranbis)

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