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Users vs Employees

Ruslan Konviser edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 3 revisions

Please read the below information to avoid huge confusion between users and employees in the Gauzy.

  • users are more like accounts, where we store the username, password, email, etc. It used mostly for Authentication / Authorization (access / permissions control, etc). Users connected to Organizations, but mostly to just detect to which organization the given user should have access and to which don't. It's great to think about users as someone who can login into Gauzy, but not an employee. For example a company owner (your boss 😉) or external accountant, etc.
  • employees are users (one to one connection), who have more properties relevant for someone who works in the organization, e.g. salary, position, department, the organization where an employee working and so on. So for example, in Gauzy, Expenses also can be associated with employees (e.g. employee A need VS Professional license paid monthly). Same all properties related to how bonuses calculated/shared should be properties for employees (e.g. should employee bonus be anonymous or public etc). Employees can also login to Gauzy to see relevant information, for example how they bonus calculated, what equipment employee use, what is his/her salary and so on.

Please do NOT mix users/employees in your code! In 99% if you need to add property it's employee, not user! Same in 99% cases you need to use the relation between some domain entity table and Employee table, not User table!