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exoscale tools.project

A clojure.tool that allows to work with projects in a streamlined way. It provides an api for common project management tasks, inspired by the conventions enforced by leiningen


Add this to your deps.edn

  :project {:deps {io.github.exoscale/tools.project {:git/sha "..."}}

Or install the tool locally:

clojure -Ttools install io.github.exoscale/tools.project '{:git/sha "..."}' :as project


With the tool installed, a new project can be initialized with:

clojure -Tproject init :name com.example/my-lib

Once installed, tools can called using standard tool call syntax, within the project directory:

clojure -T:project jar
clojure -T:project uberjar

A convenience Makefile is provided with projects bootstrapped with clojure -Tproject init, which can assist in discovering the tool.

Supported targets

Note that tools.project does not provide a repl task, this is due to the fact that deps.edn files are always fully function when using this tool, the standard clj tool can be used to start a REPL, editor integration will also remain fully functional.


A few keys control the configuration of the project. A minimum configuration is shown below:

{:exoscale.project/lib com.example/my-lib
 :exoscale.project/version-file "VERSION"
 :exoscale.project/uberjar? true

 :paths ["src" "resources"]
 :deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.11.1"}}}

See configuration options for a list of all valid options.

Multi-module projects

Some projects need to build several artifacts, or to expose different libraries. This is what we refer to as multi-module projects.

tools.project supports multi-module projects out of the box, and provides the following functionality:

  • All targets adopt a default behavior that is dependent on whether they are called for a multi-module, or standalone project.
  • Submodules of a project must be transparent to tooling, i.e: each submodule of a project should have its own fully functional deps.edn file, requiring no additional tooling.
  • Default facilities are present to share dependencies and aliases across modules (through deps-modules.

Under the cover, deps-modules uses a mechanism to allow dependency expressions to inherit dependencies from the parent module. To ensure that submodules remain fully independent, deps files are rewritten (see merge-deps and merge-aliases for details.

Let's assume the following module structure:

├── deps.edn          ;; com.example/superproject-common
└── modules
    ├── client
    │   └── deps.edn  ;; com.example/superproject-client
    └── server
        └── deps.edn  ;; com.example/superproject-server

The corresponding top-level deps.edn file would add the following:

{:exoscale.project/lib com.example/superproject-common
 :exoscale.project/version-file "VERSION"
 :exoscale.project/modules ["." "modules/client" "modules/server"]

 :paths ["src" "resources"]
 :deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.11.1"}}}

tools.project supports seamless transitions from standalone projects to multi module ones. See add-module for help on how to add a first module.


When developing against tools.project, due to the presence of a project.clj namespace in the repository, if you use cider, you'll have to jack in from the top level directory, otherwise cider gets confused and tries to treat the repository as a leiningen one.


Helpers to work with our tools.deps projects







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